Cited: Arnold, Kathryn E. 2000. Kin Recognition in Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia eachamensis): Sex, Sibs and Shoaling. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology., 48(5): 385-391. Brahams, M. and Colgan, P. 1985. Risk of predation, hydrodynamic efficiency, and their influence on school structure. Environmental Biology of Fishes., 13(3): 195-202. Chivers, D.P., G.E. Brown, and R.J.F. Smith. 1995. Familiarity and shoal cohesion in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)— implications for antipredator behaviour. Canadian Journal of Zoology., 73:955–960. Chivers, Douglas P., Grant E. Brown, and R. Jan F. Smith. 1996. The Evolution of Chemical Alarm Signals: Attracting Predators Benefits Alarm Signal Senders. The American Naturalist., 148(4): 649-659. Dittman, Andrew H. and Thomas Quinn. 1996. Homing in Pacific Salmon: Mechanisms and Ecological Basis. The Journal of Experimental Biology., 199: 83-91. Honda, Haruo. 1980. Female Sex Pheromone of Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, Involved in Courtship Behaviour. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries., 46(9): 1109-1112. Krause, J., G.D. Ruxton, and D. Rubenstein. 1998. Is there always an influence of shoal size on predator hunting success? Journal of Fish Biology., 52:494–501. Lachlan, R.F., L. Crooks, and K. Laland. 1998. Who follows whom? Shoaling preferences and social learning of foraging information in guppies. Animal Behavior., 56:181–190. Lima, S.L. and L.M. Dill. 1990. Behavioral decisions made under the risk of predation: a review and prospectus. Canadian Journal of Zoology., 68: 610-640. Mathis, A., D. P. Chivers, and R. J. F. Smith. 1995. Chemical alarm signals: predator deterrents or predator attractants? American Naturalist., 145: 994–1005. Milinski, H. and R. Heller. 1978. Influence of a predator on the optimal foraging behavior of sticklebacks. Nature., 275: 642-644. Moyle, Peter B Nevitt, Gabrielle A., Andrew H. Dittmano, Thomas P. Quinn, and William J. Moody Jr. 1994. Evidence for a peripheral olfactory memory in imprinted salmon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences., 91: 4288-1292. Olsen, K.H., M. Grahn, and J. Lohm. 2003. The influence of dominance and diet on individual odours in MHC identical juvenile Arctic charr siblings. Journal of Fish Biology., 63: 855–862. Pitcher, T., A. Magurran, and I. Winfield. 1982. Fish in larger shoals find food faster. Behav. Ecology and Sociobiology., 10(2): 149-151. Reiriz, L., A.G. Nicieza, and F. Brana. 1998. Prey selection by experienced and naive juvenile Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology., 53: 100-114. Roberts, G. 1996. Why individual vigilance increases as group size increases. Animal Behaviour., 51: 1077-1086. Shaw, E Sorensen, P.W., N.E. Stacey. 1998. Evolution and specialization of fish hormonal pheromones, pp. 15-47. In Johnston, R.E., D. Mijller-Schwarze, P.W. Sorensen. Advances in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York. 676 p. Stacey, N. E. and P. W. Sorensen. 2005. Reproductive pheromones, pp. 359 - 412. In A.P. Farrell & C. J. Brauner. Fish Physiology, Vol. 24, Behaviour and Physiology of Fish. Academic Press, New York. 480 p. Ward, A.J.W., P.J.B. Hart, and J. Krause. 2004. The effects of habitat- and dietbased cues on association preferences in three-spined sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology., 15:925–929. Wisenden, Brian D., Keith A. Vollbrecht and Jason L. Brown. 2004. Is there a Fish Alarm Cue? Affirming Evidence from a Wild Study. Animal Behaviour., 67: 59-67. Zimmer, Richard K. and Cheryl Ann Butman. 2000. Chemical Signaling Processes in the Marine Environment. The Biological Bulletin., 198: 168-187.
Cited: Arnold, Kathryn E. 2000. Kin Recognition in Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia eachamensis): Sex, Sibs and Shoaling. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology., 48(5): 385-391. Brahams, M. and Colgan, P. 1985. Risk of predation, hydrodynamic efficiency, and their influence on school structure. Environmental Biology of Fishes., 13(3): 195-202. Chivers, D.P., G.E. Brown, and R.J.F. Smith. 1995. Familiarity and shoal cohesion in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)— implications for antipredator behaviour. Canadian Journal of Zoology., 73:955–960. Chivers, Douglas P., Grant E. Brown, and R. Jan F. Smith. 1996. The Evolution of Chemical Alarm Signals: Attracting Predators Benefits Alarm Signal Senders. The American Naturalist., 148(4): 649-659. Dittman, Andrew H. and Thomas Quinn. 1996. Homing in Pacific Salmon: Mechanisms and Ecological Basis. The Journal of Experimental Biology., 199: 83-91. Honda, Haruo. 1980. Female Sex Pheromone of Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, Involved in Courtship Behaviour. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries., 46(9): 1109-1112. Krause, J., G.D. Ruxton, and D. Rubenstein. 1998. Is there always an influence of shoal size on predator hunting success? Journal of Fish Biology., 52:494–501. Lachlan, R.F., L. Crooks, and K. Laland. 1998. Who follows whom? Shoaling preferences and social learning of foraging information in guppies. Animal Behavior., 56:181–190. Lima, S.L. and L.M. Dill. 1990. Behavioral decisions made under the risk of predation: a review and prospectus. Canadian Journal of Zoology., 68: 610-640. Mathis, A., D. P. Chivers, and R. J. F. Smith. 1995. Chemical alarm signals: predator deterrents or predator attractants? American Naturalist., 145: 994–1005. Milinski, H. and R. Heller. 1978. Influence of a predator on the optimal foraging behavior of sticklebacks. Nature., 275: 642-644. Moyle, Peter B Nevitt, Gabrielle A., Andrew H. Dittmano, Thomas P. Quinn, and William J. Moody Jr. 1994. Evidence for a peripheral olfactory memory in imprinted salmon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences., 91: 4288-1292. Olsen, K.H., M. Grahn, and J. Lohm. 2003. The influence of dominance and diet on individual odours in MHC identical juvenile Arctic charr siblings. Journal of Fish Biology., 63: 855–862. Pitcher, T., A. Magurran, and I. Winfield. 1982. Fish in larger shoals find food faster. Behav. Ecology and Sociobiology., 10(2): 149-151. Reiriz, L., A.G. Nicieza, and F. Brana. 1998. Prey selection by experienced and naive juvenile Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology., 53: 100-114. Roberts, G. 1996. Why individual vigilance increases as group size increases. Animal Behaviour., 51: 1077-1086. Shaw, E Sorensen, P.W., N.E. Stacey. 1998. Evolution and specialization of fish hormonal pheromones, pp. 15-47. In Johnston, R.E., D. Mijller-Schwarze, P.W. Sorensen. Advances in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York. 676 p. Stacey, N. E. and P. W. Sorensen. 2005. Reproductive pheromones, pp. 359 - 412. In A.P. Farrell & C. J. Brauner. Fish Physiology, Vol. 24, Behaviour and Physiology of Fish. Academic Press, New York. 480 p. Ward, A.J.W., P.J.B. Hart, and J. Krause. 2004. The effects of habitat- and dietbased cues on association preferences in three-spined sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology., 15:925–929. Wisenden, Brian D., Keith A. Vollbrecht and Jason L. Brown. 2004. Is there a Fish Alarm Cue? Affirming Evidence from a Wild Study. Animal Behaviour., 67: 59-67. Zimmer, Richard K. and Cheryl Ann Butman. 2000. Chemical Signaling Processes in the Marine Environment. The Biological Bulletin., 198: 168-187.