#1 Understanding You Are Responsible For Fixing Your Relationship
The first thing you need to do is understand that you are responsible for fixing your relationship, not your counselor. Your counselor may guide your session, and help illuminate and provide a safe place for you and your partner to work on your issues, but at the end of the day fixing your relationship rests on the shoulders of you and your partner.
Both of you have to be willing to be honest and open during therapy. You have to also be open to really listening to what the other person says. Finally, you …show more content…
You need to consider both the positive aspects that you bring to your relationship and the more negative roles that you play as well. Identify and discussing both of these aspects of your relationship will help you move forward.
Try to think or journal about what you feel your role is before you go into your therapy session so that you have some developed thoughts.
#3 Think About What Your Relationship Means To You
The third thing you need to think about is what your relationship means to you. It can be easy to focus on negative when you are going to counseling. Before you go in, think and perhaps journal about what your relationship really means to you. Think about what it has meant to you in the past and in the present. Then, assess your feelings and think about how wiling you are to make changes to make your relationships work. Thinking about what brought you both together can help you move forward with your relationship through counseling.
By doing a little mental prep work either on your own or with your partner before you go in for couples counseling can allow you to get the biggest benefit out of your