Interest can be sparked through an advanced array of “talent” searching methods. From YouTube, blogging, to Twitter- a new star can be made as soon as one can click “upload.” Becoming a celebrity appeared as an unreachable feat in past decades, reserved for only those brilliant with accessible well-known relations. But today, having your face plastered on ENews! to People Magazine can be achieved through just buying a computer. Making a goofy face behind a news reporter or a six-year old teaching her YouTube audience “How to get a Boyfriend,” can be just stimulating enough to reach star status. Our culture looks for anything (and I mean anything) to talk about.
I believe the most disappointing aspect of our fame-hungry society is how easily we are amused. We gasp at pre-scripted fights between Botox-seeping middle-aged broads. Meaningless topics have now become the depth of our everyday conversations like hearing that The Kardashians are having another season for forty million. The Kardashians, for example, are of the many one-celled celebrities, who cannot sing, paint, act, or even walk and talk at the same time, yet America waits by their Twitters for their every move. America is unable to live without being cluttered with useless advertised time-consumers.
Remember that weird shape you can make with your tongue? Video it, tomorrow you could reach millions of