This vehicle replacement policy framework enables companies to acquire and replace vehicles when it is due. Vehicle policy gives vehicle category ages, life time mileage and lifetime engine hours which form overall basis of vehicle replacement. Aronson, (1983) states that it becomes a vehicle challenge when one does not have a system which keeps on reminding the organisation the level of depreciation, the costs being incurred on maintenance and the number of years of the vehicle. Aronson, (1983), highlights that working without a vehicle policy is like shooting in the dark. With a replacement policy an organisation can maximize the use of their vehicles and reduce unnecessary or premature replacement costs. Organisations who establish a formal vehicle replacement policy will help in saving the organisational financial
This vehicle replacement policy framework enables companies to acquire and replace vehicles when it is due. Vehicle policy gives vehicle category ages, life time mileage and lifetime engine hours which form overall basis of vehicle replacement. Aronson, (1983) states that it becomes a vehicle challenge when one does not have a system which keeps on reminding the organisation the level of depreciation, the costs being incurred on maintenance and the number of years of the vehicle. Aronson, (1983), highlights that working without a vehicle policy is like shooting in the dark. With a replacement policy an organisation can maximize the use of their vehicles and reduce unnecessary or premature replacement costs. Organisations who establish a formal vehicle replacement policy will help in saving the organisational financial