Stress is an important part of the working environment, when individuals become stressed because of their employment or personal life's it can create individuals to become physically or mentally ill (ran down). It also decreases their likely-hood to focus and can cause their performance to gradually descend into downfall. This
is why flexibility is essential for the health and wellbeing of both the employee and employer.
Loyalty is also an essential part of any business and employee to employer relationship. Without loyalty individuals do not produce their absolute best efforts, without loyalty and respect their is no connections between staff and management. Providing a flexible work environment will increase productivity and enhance the working experience to both management and staff. It will also create a happy environment which within everyone will remain positive and productive.
Flexibility will allow both employers and employees to negotiate shifts around their personal lives. For example, what happens if one morning a staff member wakes up and their child is ill? this flexibility will allow that employee to have the day off to care for said child. The respect and loyalty created by this flexibility would also mean that another staff member would happily be called into work to replace said employee for the day.
Flexibility is an important part of negotiation, trust, respect and loyalty within the environment and it will improve both the mental and physical state of both the employees and employers, it will also help to improve productivity and a reduced chance that staff members would vacate.