Gordon Allport
Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.
The Filipino Personality
Virgilio Enriquez, a famous Filipino psychologist, says that the question “Who is the Filipino?” cannot be adequately answered. A definition of the Filipino on the basis of birth, geographic origin or blood is inadequate from the psychological point of view. Suggest that in answering this question, attention should be focused on the Filipino Identity, image and consciousness. The Filipino’s identity is not static, it is as dynamic as his background. A Filipino may be described as anyone who feels and thinks Filipino and may be anyone who says he is a Filipino. This statement confounds the issues especially when we wish to describe the behavior of the Filipino. At most, what we can do now is to present some Filipino traits and characteristics with the aim in view of understanding how the Filipino solves his problems of adjusting to his social and natural environment.
Filipino Behavior And Personality
It is a finding of all workers that the Filipino exhibits polarities in his behavior and personality. Of these contrasts, he is mostly unaware. The inconsistencies escape him; he has learned to live with them and feels no inner discord over them.
Some of these diametrically opposite states are the following (Bulatao 1963; Guthrie 1961; Hollnsteiner 1963; Lynch 1964; Sechresr 1967a):
1. Emphasis on smooth interpersonal relations vs. high levels of hostility.
2. “Hiya” vs. predilection for status and rank, tendencies to extravagance and boastfulness.
3. Strong dependency wishes vs. attraction for power.
4. “Bahala na” attitudes vs. avowed desire for economic security and advancement.
5. Egocentricity vs. other-directedness.
6. In women, “hiya” and modesty vs. strong achievement and aggression needs.
7. In men, tendency for dominance vs. that for
References: http://justaboutpinoy.blogspot.com/2011/10/filipino-characterM traits.html#sthash.hAJ4LDlO.dpuf