The document symbol represents the input or output of a document. Examples of input are receiving a report, email, or order. Examples of output are generating a presentation, memo, or letter.
The decision symbol indicates a question to be answered—usually yes/no or true/false. The flowchart path may splinter into different branches depending on the answer.
The connector symbol connects separate elements across one page. It’s usually used within Complex charts.
The off-page connector (also known as the off-page link) symbol connects separate elements across multiple pages. It is frequently used within complex charts. The page number is sometimes placed on the shape for easy reference.
The data symbol (also called the input/output symbol) represents data that is available for input or output. It may also represent resources used or generated. The paper tape symbol also represents input/output, but is outdated and no longer in common usage. Another symbol used to represent data is the circle shape.
The comment symbol, or note symbol, adds needed explanation or comment. It may be connected by a dashed line to the relevant section of the flowchart.
Other Flowchart Symbols
The stored data symbol represents data housed on a storage device.
The summing junction symbol sums the input of several converging paths.
The terminator symbol represents the start points, end points, and potential outcomes of a path.
The predefined process symbol indicates a complicated process or operation that is well-known or defined elsewhere.
The internal storage symbol represents data stored in random-access memory (RAM).
The manual input symbol represents the manual input of data into a computer, usually through a keyboard.
The manual operation