Section | Author Introduction & Theory | Author Apparatus and Operating Procedures | Author Results and Discussion | Author References and Appendix | Experiment I | Tricia Heitmann | Alex Long | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Experiment II | Alex Long | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Tricia Heitmann | Experiment V | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Tricia Heitmann | Alex Long |
April 29, 2013
Dr. Nollert
The University of Oklahoma
Department of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering
Norman, OK 73019
Dr. Nollert,
The experiment performed was Experiment IV: Fluid Flow Meters and Tray Hydraullics. The group was composed of Alex Long, Khanh Ho, Tricia Heitmann and myself. The first day of experimentation was April 16, 2013. On this day, Alex and I ran the sieve tray apparatus to study the vapor and liquid tray hydraulics parameters for sieve type crossflow distillation trays. Tricia and Khanh ran the fluid flow apparatus to determine the operating characteristics of the Venturi and orifice meters.
Day 2 of the experiment was performed on April 23, 2013. More testing was done on both apparatus’ in order to obtain enough data for error propagation.
William Kwendi
Team Leader
Experiment 1: Fluid Flow Meters and Tray Hydraulics
Preliminary Report
Alex Long, William Kwendi, Tricia Heitmann, Khanh Ho
CH E 3432 Section 001
Experiment Part 1 Performed 4/16/2013
Experiment Part 2 Performed 4/23/2013
Submitted: 4/29/2013
Table of Contents
1. Abstract – William Kwendi……………………………………………………………….1 2. Introduction and Theory – William Kwendi ……………………………………………...2 3. Apparatus and Operating Procedures – Khanh Ho.…..…………...……………………....5 4. Results and Discussion – Tricia Heitmann…..………………………….……………….10 5. Conclusion and Recommendations – Tricia Heitmann………………………………….15 6. References – Alex Long …………...……………..……………………………………...17 7. Appendices 1. Appendix A – Data – Alex
References: Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1984. Print. 2. Henley, Ernest J., J. D. Seader, and D. Keith. Roper. Separation Process Principles. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2011 3. “Fluid Flow Meters/Tray Hydraulics”. Unit Operations Laboratory Information Sheets, 2013.