In the beginning of the movie, Flynn is a criminal who swindles his partners to achieve wealth and success for himself. He consistently dupes the kingdom of Corona, forming a reputation of him being infamous. The plot begins when Flynn finds Rapunzel in her tower when he is escaping the Stabbington brothers, for he steals the crown that they work together to thieve. He seeks refuge with Rapunzel, demonstrating that he relies on a woman to be a shield for his problems. Moreover, Flynn does not initially fall in love with Rapunzel because he is ignorant. However, the progression of the story allows
Flynn to realize that Rapunzel is beautiful, mentally and physically, causing him to fall in love. This evolution of his feelings also represents the stereotype that a man needs a woman to prove her value in order for her to be worthy.
Even though Flynn depicts a stereotyped character throughout the film, his character demonstrates the independence that Rapunzel has. When he initially hides from the Stabbington brothers with Rapunzel, she restrains him and protects herself with a pan. She does not trust his motives, since she does not remember meeting any men before. Her defensiveness illustrates that she is not willingly submitting herself to a man with cliché mannerism, and she remains steadfast in her own beliefs. Furthermore, when the two leave her tower together, he attempts to subdue her and return her to the tower. She refuses because she wants to see the light show that appears every year on her birthday. She is adamant about doing what she wants, even if it means disobeying the demands of Flynn, a typical man in society who feels the need to be a savior.