Assistance operations denies the enemy freedom to operate in the area; contributing to further the U.S. national strategy and objectives in that country.
Foreign humanitarian assistance are programs conducted outside the U.S. to relieve the results of natural or man-made disasters or any other endemic conditions such as human pain, disaster, hunger, or need that might present a serious threat to life or that can result in great damage to or loss of property. Whenever disaster strikes, some form of unrest will arise in that area. In a case of Ebola outbreak, in remote village of Womey in Guinea, eight health workers were killed by the villagers due to their mistrust of the outsiders. Conducting foreign humanitarian assistance in a hostile or uncertain environment can be challenging. That is why in the past, DOD has been called upon to conduct multitude of Foreign Humanitarian relief missions because of the resources we bring to the table. The DOD is self-sufficient capable of providing security and transport for relief efforts to quickly restore stability in the area and reduce conflict. CA forces are absolutely critical for FHA in high thread, ungoverned or under-governed area around the world. In the future the Civil Affairs forces will be vital to conducting FHA in all types of environments across the world.