Effective teams have regular scheduled meetings, with all team members present.
This allows passing of information to all concerned, it gives the opportunity for discussion and any clarification needed. Team members can interact with each other and are able to provide advice and criticism of systems, give and receive support and information. Team members have an input into their role in the team, making them more efficient and responsible.
According to Belkin there nine team roles which he then split into three groups. These groups identify certain behavioural and personal strengths.
Group 1- Action oriented roles
Shapers – people who are usually outgoing and dynamic who enjoy challenges although they may argumentative and offend other team members.
Implementers – people who are doers, they take the teams ideas and turn them into actions, usually disciplined, well organised. However they can be resistant to change and set in their ways.
Complete finishers – people who will see a project through from start to finish, ensuring every detail is correct and there are no errors, they are mindful of deadlines and will push the team to meet targets. People in this category could be described as perfectionists, conscientious and anxious, with the downside of worrying too much and being unable to delegate.
Group 2 – People oriented roles
Coordinator – coordinators will usually take the role of team-leader or chairman.
They will guide the team to achieve objectives. They will often be good listeners and be able to see the value of each team member. They are calm and good natured and find it easy to delegate tasks. Their weakness is that they may delegate too much personal responsibility and can be manipulative.
Team workers – provide support and ensure the team is working well together. The team workers are usually popular people who are very capable, but who ensure the whole team participate and that people get on.