1. I chose to assess Marine who is a mature student and of French nationality, she is married and has two teenage children. (Her level of English is intermediate but still requires good flow and a greater repertoire of vocabulary). Marine used to work as a legal assistant and has finished her training to be a patent assistant. This involves working with lawyers where English is becoming an important requirement, not just reading but writing and conversing with clients. So she feels that her English will allow her to be able to work in an international environment allowing her a better opportunity to find work.
Marine is an active person who likes to keep fit by doing jogging and swimming regularly, her and her family enjoy travelling and have visited various countries like Tunisia, Mauritius, England America, to name but a few. Marine found that using her English has helped her enjoy and understand some of her holiday destinations where English is the common form of communication, in Norway and Japan for example.
2. Marine began learning a little English at school which she found too basic and did not use for a long time, for a number of reasons, as already mentioned, but as a personal challenge she is motivated to continue to improve her English language learning:
• She likes the English language;
• Her children are learning English;
• Her husband uses English for work purposes therefore, speaks better and understands more than she does.
3. Marine understood all the questions I asked but I think I also asked them not in a real life situation, her responses were clear perhaps at times she would make the mistake of translating from French to English but when she realised she was quick to correct the mistake. Marine’s main problem in fluency speaking is hesitation, something which she is fully aware of, when asking a little more complex questions that required more than one word answers she does take time to answer