Many individuls have different dietary needs,lifestyle, state of health and how much exerise they take can affect the amount that they eat.
Religion can also affect what they eat or drink.
All humuns need essential nutrients to survive. They are five major groups:
Carbohydrates are found in starchy foods, such as,bread,potatos, rice, pasta and cerals.
This makes up a third of the food we eat.
Starchy food is a good sourse of energy and main sourse of nutrients in our diet.
They also contain, iron,vitamin B, calcium and fibre.
Fruit and veg are made up to a third of our diet in a day.
They are a good sourse of vitiums, minerails and fibre.
There is evidence that the more friut and veg we eat, the more unlikely that we will develope condtions like, heart desease and some cancers.
It is important to eat a variety of different fruit and veg. At least five portions a day.
Protein comes from lean meat, fish and poultry. Meat and poultry are a good source of, Iron, zinc and vitamin B. It also contains, saturated fats. You should always choose lean cuts of meat, were possible, or trim off the fat as much as possible.
Everyone should try and eat at least 2 portions of fish a week, it is rich in protein. Oily fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
Eggs are also a good source of protein and vitamins.
Eggs should be well cooked, if cooking them for the elderly, as this can course poisoning, if they are raw.
Milk, cheese and yoghurt, are a good source of protein and vitamin A, B 12 and D.
They also contain calcium, which is good for the bones and easy for the body to absorb.
Foods that are rich in fibre are, whole grain bread, brown rice, pasta, seeds and fruit and veg.
There are two types of fibre:
INSOLUBLE; Body can't digest, so it passes through the gut, which helps other foods to pass through the gut more easily. Wholegrain and brown rice, breakfast cereals, veg and fruit, all have this fibre.
This keeps the bowel working proberly.
SOLUBLE FIBRE; This fibre can be digested by the body and may help reduce cholestrol in the blood.
Fibres such as oats, beans and lentils.
It is important to have some in our diet, as it helps absorb some vitamins, it is also a good source of enegy and fatty acids that we can't produce ourselves.
Our diet should include some sugary foods, such as cakes and biscuits and maybe the odd sugary drink.
Some foods have natual sugars, such as fruit and milk. We do not have to restrict this type of sugar.
We do need small amounts of salt in our bodys, to make it work properly. Adults should have no more than 6gramms a day.
Eating to much salt can lead to high blood pressure.
Food such as cereals, soups, sauces, biscuits and ready meal , have all got added salt in them.