To have the right power, energy and stamina to play volleyball you need to have calories in your body. Calories will help your energy levels in your body and make you play better. (Maximising Volleyball Nutrition, n.d., About Sports)
Carbohydrates provide the main fuel in the body that helps you exercise. Some carbohydrates that you could eat are pasta, rice, potatoes, stuffing mix, bread, cereal, fruit and juice. All these foods help build up the carbohydrates in your body. Protein is very important, not just for volleyball players but for everybody. (Maximising Volleyball Nutrition, n.d., About Sports)
Protein helps to build and repair tissue in our body. A few good foods that have a lot of protein in them are a can of tuna and a chicken breast. A can of tuna has a total protein of 90 grams and a chicken breast has a total protein of 45 grams. (Maximising Volleyball Nutrition, n.d., About Sports)
Fat is also needed in a volleyball player’s diet. Fat can help transport vitamins that we need in our bodies. Fat can also can be a good energy source if you are doing excess amounts …show more content…
For the places that are most vulnerable to injury in volleyball build the muscles up and train them so they don’t get injured. Uses ankle supports or tape to prevent the ankle rolling especially if you have had injuries in the ankles before. Try not to do too much jump exercises as this could lead to stress on the ankles. Before playing volleyball be sure to stretch and warm up your muscles to prevent from injury. If you are having reoccurring pain in one spot make sure you visit your local doctor to get to get it checked out and lastly if you are just getting over an injury make sure you don’t not return to playing volleyball until you sure that it is fully healed or when your doctor/GP says it is okay to go back. (, n.d., Volleyball Injury