Hepatitis A is a virus which causes inflammation of the liver. How is this infectious agent transmitted through food or water? Hepatitis A is often contracted through feces contaminating food. When people don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom and prepare food, the food becomes contaminated. The food is often contaminated when handled through preparing the food. Food can also be contaminated while it is being picked (fruits,veggies) by an individual.
What is an example of a real life outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States?
In 2003 an outbreak of hepatitis A was recorded in Monaca, Pennsylvania. About 555 people were infected with the virus. People were infected from ingesting green onions from a local restaurant. 3 people had died from ingesting the contaminated green onions. After investigating the situation, they concluded the pathogen was not spread from a worker. However, workers had come in contact with the virus and contracted it. Evidence found that a shipment of green onions had been contaminated with the virus. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5247a5.htm What are the clinical symptoms, duration of the disease, and treatment if any?
Symptoms of Hepatitis A include: Nausea, headache, rashes, headache, poor appetite, discolored urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin). Some people have no symptoms at all until the virus progresses. Hepatitis A is a virus which means it is not curable. The virus remains in your blood for the rest of your life. There is no treatment for hepatitis A. If it is a mild case the symptoms can subside on their own. It is wise to avoid any drugs or alcohol because it further damage the liver. Since there is no treatment for the virus, it is best to take preventative measures so you do not become infected. The best way to prevent