Common bacteria such as Staphylococcus or E. coli can cause symptoms such as nausea, fever or diarrhoea and if left untreated it can cause serious medical conditions. Causes of these bacteria is from food prepared by an individual who did not wash their hands properly. As Visitors should not bring hot or chilled food into hospital for patients unless agreed with the nurse first as the food brought in could have got contaminated at home as it puts the patient at a bigger risk of getting food poisoning. A nurse in clinical practice should pay attention especially when feeding patients to wash their hands and use the disposable paper towels and foot operated pedal bins provided accordingly and ensure that all utensils such as spoons and forks are cleaned properly as its important when handling with food everything should be according to the policies and procedures of the Food safety legislation to reduce the likelihood of food
Common bacteria such as Staphylococcus or E. coli can cause symptoms such as nausea, fever or diarrhoea and if left untreated it can cause serious medical conditions. Causes of these bacteria is from food prepared by an individual who did not wash their hands properly. As Visitors should not bring hot or chilled food into hospital for patients unless agreed with the nurse first as the food brought in could have got contaminated at home as it puts the patient at a bigger risk of getting food poisoning. A nurse in clinical practice should pay attention especially when feeding patients to wash their hands and use the disposable paper towels and foot operated pedal bins provided accordingly and ensure that all utensils such as spoons and forks are cleaned properly as its important when handling with food everything should be according to the policies and procedures of the Food safety legislation to reduce the likelihood of food