Some expert said that mushroom toxin poisonings were generally acute. Although as a catering industry employees, they can’t distinguish edible mushroom species from inedible ones. Sometimes, they produce the inedible mushroom to the customer unwittingly. Therefore, now I will advice some ways to prevent mushroom toxin poisonings for the future catering operation.
First of all, I think the government should provide the information of edible and inedible mushroom species, people’s knowledge of mushroom is improved that will reduce mushroom toxin poisonings in catering operation. Also the government can create a license system for the supplier that guarantee they provide the edible mushroom.
In the second place, the restaurant should purchase the mushroom from the reputable supplier. The reputable supplier can guarantee the mushroom are edible that can prevent mushroom toxin poisonings.
Thirdly, the customer can also do something to prevent mushroom toxin poisonings. They should ask people when they are doubt for the mushroom, which will prevent eating a toxin mushroom.
In conclusion, this is the biological hazard and there are several ways to prevent mushroom toxin poisonings such as purchasing the mushroom from the reputable supplier.
The sources of real case:
References: The sources of real case: