Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is the most prominent regulatory body at federal level. FSANZ oversees and coordinates food regulates throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Via the NSW food Authority, regulations are more direct at the state government level.
Responsibilities of levels of government
Federal government
Control of amount and type of protection for Australian industry
Control of the company and income tax systems
Control of wage scales
State government
Control of payroll tax
Maintained of roads and transport facilities
Establishment and enforcement of environmental protection measures
Occupational health safely and safely law in the work place
Consumer protection
Trading hours
Attracting new industries to the state
Education and training
Enforcement of the Trade Practises Act 1974
Licensing of fresh food outlets and restaurants
Local government
Zoning laws, including residential light, commercial, heavy commercial, light industrial, heavy industrial
Panning permits
Heath inspections to enforce the Australian Food Standards Code
Other political influences include non-government groups for example: The National Farmers' Federation (NFF) that represents a broad cross action of Australian agriculture.
Similar pressure from overseas countries can also affect domestic food manufacturers. For example: tariff, trade restrictions, factors relating to food inspections.
External influences
It changes when a new government is elected. Companies should have up-to-date information about economic, industrial, environmental and technological policies of political groups. This allows them to develop contingency plans to minimise changes in political climate that could occur with a newly elected government.