The phrase "The Beautiful Game" is a name given to football.
The person who created the phrase is unknown. Football commentator Stuart Hall is the only person to have said to have created "The Beautiful Game". In his youth, Hall admired Peter Doherty when he went to see Manchester City play at Maine Road and used the phrase "The Beautiful Game" to describe Doherty's style when playing. He also used the phrase "The Beautiful Game" in his commentary career later on in life which made the phrase more popular.
A famous English author called H.E. Bates used the phrase in a 1952 newspaper piece saying the virtues of the game titled "Brains in the Feet".
In 1977 the famous footballer Pelé named his autobiography My Life and the Beautiful Game. The book's dedication reads "I dedicate this book to all the people who have made this great game the Beautiful Game." The phrase has now entered the language as a description for football and was used as part of the title for the series, History of Football: The Beautiful Game.
Many footballers make poor role models
Footballers are very well paid, they can buy mostly anything they want, sometimes they buy things they do not need and this looks like they are showing off to normal people. I do not think this gives the best example to younger people who look up to these footballers.
Another way they are bad role models is when they are seen coming out of nightclubs drunk and argue with reporters and try to stop people taking photographs. Their behaviour on the pitch is also sometimes very poor, some players will do anything to win by intentionally trying to hurt other players and also dive for penalty’s and free kicks. They also give the wrong impression to younger men by the way they seem to think it is ok to be married and also have affairs,
Below is the view of Reg Bailey Chairman of the Mothers Union.
Straying footballers are bad role models for boys and make adultery seem normal.