to leave nearly half the wool industry unemployed. From then on, these men dedicated themselves to fight the war against technology. English workers otherwise referred to as Luddites, view technology as a threat to their livelihood due to the fact that they were replaced by machines.
In efforts to stop technology from destroying their future, the Luddites, led by General Ludd, organize themselves into a group of about two hundred men who “stood for humanity [and] craftsmanship”. These men gather in secrecy and even go to great lengths to communicate in secret handshakes and use other methods to ensure their plans are kept secret. The event that catalyzes this movement is when the English government makes the decision to revoke laws regarding the wool industry, enabling manufacturers to use machines. Luddites break into the factories at night and destroy the mechanical looms and frames in response to this political action. Over the next year, the Luddite opinion spreads to the surrounding cities. The raids and …show more content…
attacks continue getting more serious as time goes on. In response to these raids, Parliament passed the Frame Breaking Act in February of 1812 which sentenced those convicted of damaging textile machines to death. This angered the luddites even more, going as far as to kill the mill owners and set the factories ablaze. The British army finally decides it is the appropriate time to step in and put a stop the rebellion. The movement finally comes to an end as the trade constraints are lifted which eventually results in the job market becoming more stable. The next perspective on the stance of Technology is an article entitled: “Sputnik + 50: Remembering the Dawn of the Space Age” written by Ron Cowen.
This article focuses on The Soviets’ mission to beat America in the space race. “Soviet Fires Earth Satellite Into Space," blared the New York Times headline” on October 4, 1957 catalyzing the space race between Russia and the United States. The Soviets’ first major development in their mission was their announcement of radio frequencies in which their satellite could interpret. In efforts to ensure their dominating position, the Russians decided to go with a simple option that took about thirty days to produce. Sputnik transitioned the world into a new age, an age that “changed the dynamics on Earth and what our society [was] going to be like.” As if America was not surprised enough from Sputnik, on Nov. 3rd, the Soviets launch Sputnik 2. This Sputnik is ten times as heavy as the original and has the capacity to carry live passengers. 'What we've learned from Sputnik is that a shock can get you started ... but you'd better have a good, sustainable science initiative to [keep] going," says Logsdon.” In response to the pressure from Russia, on Jan. 31, 1958, Braun's Jupiter-C rocket, Explorer I, was the first success for the United States. In March, a citizen organization committed to space research, called the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA was founded. Education reform also took place in response to
Sputnik, focusing on math and science content areas along with technology enhancements. These reforms were in hopes to ensure the United States would establish and maintain a dominating position in math, science and technology industries in the future. Through 1972, NASA‘s main focus was to land on the moon and the United States did, however their developments in space exploration did not continue. Despite taking place decades ago, Sputnik’s influence still lives on to this day. We now live in an age where satellites are in charge of the world and thanks to Sputnik, "we've revolutionized our knowledge of the solar system and the universe, primarily through robotic missions." Both of these articles have major influence in modern day’s opinion in regarding technology. The Luddite Revolution provides us with the “just because we can, doesn’t mean we should” mentality in regards to technology. In many ways, technology benefits our lives but it also takes away human authenticity in many trades or crafts. On a more positive note, Sputnik’s influence opened the gateway to discovering another part of our world and universe that had never been discovered before. Because of Sputnik, we are more aware of our place within the universe and that is invaluable knowledge.