Student NAME: Habad Khan
Rdi Student no: STU14791
University Registration no: 0811866967624
Enrolment Date: July 2009
Master of Business Administration: MBA
University Of Wales.
Date: January 2013
Dissertation Title: Change Management in the
Police: A Study of Police Control Rooms.
Word Count 20600 words ( excluding, Contents page, Declaration and Statements,
Diagrams, References and Appendices.)
Declaration & Statements
This dissertation is a product of my own work and is the result of nothing done in collaboration. I consent to RDI s free use including * online reproduction, including* electronically, and including adaptation for teaching and education activities of any whole or part item of this dissertation. (RDI)
Habad Khan …show more content…
Part of the changes resulted in the closure of the force control room at Newby Wiske this was underlined by the BBC (2011). This meant that there would be one central control room in York and this would result in the loss of 120 posts to civilian call takers and dispatchers. This was the biggest changes in the handling of 999 calls within
North Yorkshire Police for 10 years since 2002 when divisional control rooms relocated to two sites in Newby Wiske and York. This massive change and relocation meant that the changes needed to be effective to meet public demand.
Literature Review
In order to conduct a critical literature review a systematic analysis of key literature pertaining to the management of change will be examined. Crucially this literature will be evaluated in a critical way to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the key literature and its limitations. Existing sources of literature will be included in a comprehensive manner.
There a number of key themes one intends to analyse during this literature review. These are highlighted in the Pyramid in Figure 1:
Resistance to Change
Implementation …show more content…
Furthermore, a fundamental part of the methodology will be to assess these important issues on resistance to change and examine their relationship to one of the objectives of this study i.e. how well this was managed.
Ford et al (2008) state the story of resistance to change is decidedly one sided. This is because in their opinion Ford et al (2008) often change managers are seen as good and doing the right thing. Whilst those being affected by the change are seen as obstructive and creating barriers and being unreasonable. Hence Ford et al, (2008) assert there is no consideration to the fact that change agents are biased, and they attribute this to those being affected by the changes. Also another argument by Ford et al (2008) is that actually the behaviours of those affected by the changes, might be due to the change agents own mismanagement and inactions.
Maurer (2005) states that resistance can be better managed through commitment and engagement. Maurer (2005) demonstrate that resistance to change can be managed through a four-step method i.e. verifying facts, challenging faulty beliefs,