
Forgiveness By Cole Sparknotes

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Forgiveness By Cole Sparknotes
Throughout this story, Cole is faced with a central challenge. That is to forgive and earn forgiveness from those who he has wronged throughout his life. The concept of forgiveness is what gives the novel its complexity and profundity. There are several points within the novel were we see Cole institutionalize the element of forgiveness. We see that Cole has to forgive explicitly and be forgiven explicitly. This is the aspect that leads to the climaxing course in the novel and in turn this leads to the final and most important forgiveness between Cole and Peter. Once this final reconciliation occurs the novel almost indefinitely comes to an end. The final reconciliation between Cole and Peter brings together a slow process of healing, hurt and bonding and unifies those three things harmoniously in cohesion. That final reconciliation is the seal in which Cole journey to forgiveness begins to tie itself together. …show more content…
Cole is able to feel remorse and then to make amends when he comes to “the realization”. The author treats this theme eloquently in the way that he is able to structure the book, because these steps become mirrored throughout the novels plot. As Cole goes to The Circle, the more he goes, the more he is able to see the hurt that he has caused to the community. The Circle becomes an integral part in his forgiveness process. Cole realizes that what he did to Peter was wrong. Although it took him time to come to that conclusion, he realizes that when he blames others for what happens to him and allows his anger to residually bottle up, this is what is stopping him from moving forward. He realized his perennial factional interests is what’s obstructing his path to forgiveness. Hey is it

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