I fell like they talk about forgiveness in this so much because after hearing this not only do you now know this is happening which is the first full step of moving on but the second and the hardest and most important step in my book is forgiving. Forgiving is giving yourself the strength to move on and let go not for the sake of the other person but for yourself. The second to last verse has a line that says “The more I Know, the less I understand” this is so true and relevant the more you learn about a person the more in depth you become with them the less you start to understand why they do things they way they do, or why they make the mistakes they do because you know that actual core of the person. Which then interns mean you have to forgive them for those choses so that you can understand why or make peace to yourself. One of the last lines in the song is the one that really wraps up this entire idea and sums up the entire point in my mind. It says as follows “You’d better put it all behind you baby, ‘cause life goes on,” No matter what happens in life with another person the chapter may come to a close with them but there are still more page left in your
I fell like they talk about forgiveness in this so much because after hearing this not only do you now know this is happening which is the first full step of moving on but the second and the hardest and most important step in my book is forgiving. Forgiving is giving yourself the strength to move on and let go not for the sake of the other person but for yourself. The second to last verse has a line that says “The more I Know, the less I understand” this is so true and relevant the more you learn about a person the more in depth you become with them the less you start to understand why they do things they way they do, or why they make the mistakes they do because you know that actual core of the person. Which then interns mean you have to forgive them for those choses so that you can understand why or make peace to yourself. One of the last lines in the song is the one that really wraps up this entire idea and sums up the entire point in my mind. It says as follows “You’d better put it all behind you baby, ‘cause life goes on,” No matter what happens in life with another person the chapter may come to a close with them but there are still more page left in your