|1. Your details |
|Name | |
|Your area(s) of expertise for this task | |
|School |Secondary |
|Name of teacher for this task …show more content…
| |
|Date of task |11th December 08 |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record which Standards have been claimed.
|2. Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| |Lesson plan |10/29 |
| |Special Educational needs- code of practice p.59- 6:4,6:19 & 6:22 |15 |
| |Every Child Matters Agenda p 48 | |
| |Learning Support Department Action Plan |13 |
| |Dyslexia and Irlen Learning Support Guide |10 |
| |ICT exercise completed by learner |08 |
| |Homework Policy |28 |
| |Record of Homework set |05 |
| | |05 |
|3. Context |
|A brief, but anonymous, profile of the learner with whom you have been working: |Std |
| | |
|Key Stage 3 pupil on the Special Educational Needs Register, Stage A with Specific Learning difficulties (SPLD) identified by low reading age 8 |10 |
|yrs months to access Reading Intervention Programme. | |
|Additional needs to be taken into consideration Dyslexia tendencies and Irlen. | |
|I have been working with this Year 9 pupil for over two years. He attends 1 x 50 minute session and 2 x 20 minute sessions a week. | |
|The nature of the activity: | |
| | |
|50-minute Reading Intervention Programme lesson covering reading aloud, writing, speaking and listening exercise around a phonic of the day and |10 |
|comprehension exercise. | |
|Summarise how you contributed to planning the work, what you planned to do and why |Std |
|As I was aware Learner G had been referred to the Gravesham Cluster Based Review (CBR) under the Special Educational Needs- Code of Practice | |
|6:22 “specialist expertise to bear on the difficulties that a pupil may be experiencing,” I sought clarification from the Learning Support | |
|Manager as to when G would be seen by an Educational Psychologist to ascertain the way forward with this learner who had an uneven performance | |
As a date was not yet forthcoming and after discussion on progress so far I decided to plan and deliver, in accordance with the | |
|National Curriculum Statutory Framework and laid down in the Special Educational Needs- Code of Practice p59, 6:4, a varied programme of study |15 |
|to meet the particular learning requirement of the learner. My aim would be to teach literacy skills using a variety of methods that are | |
|appropriate to the abilities of the learner, choosing work from an earlier stage so that the learner is able to progress and demonstrate |
|attainment, SEN Code of Practice p62, 6:19. This would be met by small tasks keeping the learner motivated and engaged. The lesson would take | |
|place in Study Support where the room layout would not require changing. As set out in the Every Child Matters Agenda, Diversity of needs and | |
|Removing Barriers to Achievement I planned to give step by step instructions for tasks; Model what I wanted the learner to do; Provide short | |
|breaks between tasks; Utilize ICT to complete a task and aid understanding and to give immediate positive praise. I would need to take into | |
|consideration the learner’s short concentration span, below average reading age, low self-esteem due to a fear of failure and lack of confidence|13 |
|to tackle new tasks. I would photocopy all the required worksheets in buff paper to allow for the learner not having his Irlen glasses as in |18 |
|previous lessons. I confirmed my decisions by checking the Learning Support Department guidelines on supporting pupils diagnosed with Dyslexia |09 |
|and Irlen | |
| | |
|My first task would be to remind the student to put his filtered glasses on and to take out his student planner from his bag. The learner has |08 |
|poor organisation skills and I regularly check his planner to confirm his homework with him and to see if he requires any help. I would ask the | |
|learner to place his bags under the desk once he had removed the required equipment reminding him of the risk they posed if left on the | |
|walkthrough around the desks. | |
| |08 |
|I planned to stick to our usual routine of completing a reading task first. This would be from a reading book, level and age appropriate for 10 |02 |
|minutes. I planned to share the reading, a page at a time, to model fluency and expression after first questioning him about what he had read at|32 |
|home to gauge his comprehension. After each chapter I would ask him questions to encourage his thinking. | |
| | |
|Due to the learner having difficulty with vowel sounds I would continue Phonic work from Units of Sound, second stage and Sounds Write, extended| |
|code unit 27 I would ask him to read the words and text, identify the different grapheme and complete a written task. |04 |
| | |
|My next prepared activity, ‘Which Word’ Week 9 page 3 from the Smile Secondary Literacy Programme 2006 would aid the learner in word recognition| |
|as he has one of the main characteristics of dyslexia, reading a word correctly then failing to recognise it further down the page or spelling | |
|the same word in several different ways without recognising the correct spelling. Once completed I would move the learner onto Skillwise | |
|Confusing words worksheet 1. This is a higher level than the Smile to extend the learners progress. I planned to ask the learner to complete the|10 |
|task unaided to test his knowledge for later assessment, allowing 15 minutes overall for the three tasks to be completed. | |
|As the learner has an interest in computers and finds it easier, due to tiring quickly and poor hand co-ordination, to use a keyboard I decided | |
|to organise and book a laptop to enable the learner to complete an ICT exercise. I planned to utilize BBC Skillwise/Words/ Spelling/ Confusing | |
|words / Quiz. This would be a fun but challenging exercise and at the end of the activity the learner would be able to print off his certificate| |
|of achievement. I would allow 15 minutes for this activity to enable the learner to tackle all three quizzes. |09 |
| | |
|I planned that the plenary, of 5 minutes, would be to reiterate the sounds worked on in the lesson. This would be in the form of a spelling | |
|test. Due to previous communication between myself and G’s parents over homework issues I intended to write his homework task of to read at | |
|home, to learn any incorrect spelling, and to aid consolidation by over learning and to build on progress, complete the Confusing Words |01 |
|worksheet 2, into his student planner. They had previously agreed to oversee any Reading Intervention Homework as described in the school’s | |
|Homework Policy. |19 |
| |21 |
| | |
| | |
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| | |
| |05 |
|Describe what happened when you carried out the work |Std |
| |02 |
|I greeted G as he entered Study Support. As he sat in his chair I reminded him to get out the equipment required for this lesson and place his | |
|bag under the desk reminding him of the safety issues. He advised me he had recently had his eyes tested and was now awaiting new glasses and |32 |
|hadn’t brought in his old pair. I made a note in his record book to this effect. As I listened to him tell me about his week so far I was aware | |
|of him being anxious. I asked him if there was anything wrong but he declined to tell me so I decided to carry on with the lesson and be ready |04 |
|for when he wanted to talk as I recognised this would be a key factor in his ability to learn. I asked him for confirmation that he had read at| |
|home since our last lesson. Once he had shown me his signed bookmark I asked him to outline the story so far, identify the main characters and | |
|predict what might happen next. As he began to read I assisted him in sounding out unknown words, giving praise when maintaining a steady pace. |08 |
|I read a page to model fluency and observed G trying to follow the text. I modified my reading to allow him to follow. At the end of the first | |
|chapter I questioned G as to what had happened with the characters. As he answered I redirected him into answering as if he was writing the | |
|question down in an exercise book. After a few moans he carried out my request. |22 |
| | |
|I moved on to the next task of continuing vowel sounds recognition. I began by using Units of Sound, second stage page 4 asking G to read the | |
|words to me. Using the prepared resources, Sounds Write extended code 27, I informed G we were going to continue to look at the phoneme ‘ae’ and| |
|compare the different ways of spelling the same sound. I then asked G to choose two words, to engage and keep his interest, from each grapheme | |
|and to use them to write a sentence in his exercise book to show his understanding. Giving feedback I moved the pupil onto the next task. I | |
|explained the task and asked him to read the ‘Which Word’ resource. As he recognised the correctly spelt word he circled it. Achieving 7/8 I | |
|explained his error with ‘were and where’ and advised him that this was a common mistake and gave him a brief summary that were could be used | |
|like was and where was a question word but they were words we would work on in more depth at a later date. Moving G on quickly so as not to feel| |
|down heartened and to motivate I set him the next task. I explained to him that once he had finished this task he would be able to use the | |
|laptop to complete a quiz. | |
| | |
|I had previously set up the internet on the laptop and to further advance his ICT skills I directed G to the BBC Skillwise web page where he |08 |
|followed the web page instructions through to the quiz. As he read each question aloud I was able to assess his reading, monitor his progress | |
|and give feedback whilst still relevant. After completing each quiz G printed off his certificate of achievement, which I photocopied for him to| |
|take a copy home. |28 |
| | |
|The final task of a spelling test was greeted with a grimace but G quickly settled once I reminded him that we were nearly at the end of the | |
|lesson and this was his final task. Quickly marking the spellings I was able to give G positive results. | |
| |24 |
|Whilst G was collecting all his belongings I wrote his Homework task in his planner. As the pips sounded to signal the end of the lesson I | |
|signalled the learner goodbye and reminded him that he could find me ant time in Study Support if he wished to talk. | |
| | |
| | |
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| |23 |
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| |02 |
|Describe any monitoring and/or assessment of the learner that you undertook |Std |
|I was able to quietly observe G whilst he was reading and felt he struggled more than usual due to not having his glasses. I was able to support| |
|him in the task, giving him assistance, encouragement and words of praise. I wrote in G’s record book re lack of glasses as this had previously| |
|been an issue with G and parents liked to be informed if he was not wearing them. I phoned home later that day and spoke to G’s mother who | |
|advised me that she would chase up the issue of his new glasses and would try to locate his old pair to bring into school. I reported that G had|04 |
|felt that his old glasses were too small which was probably why they had been ‘misplaced.’ She agreed that they were too small. I advised her | |
|that I would email G’s teachers that he would not have his glasses this week, to make allowances and where possible supply resources in buff | |
|paper. | |
| | |
|I chose to question G, whilst reading, after every chapter to evaluate if he had grasped the storyline and what had happened to the characters. | |
|He was able to respond to my questions using one-worded answers. I redirected him into answering using full sentences therefore, practising his | |
|literacy and comprehension skills orally. I felt this was more beneficial to the learner, as he was able to achieve, rather than struggling with|02 |
|writing the answers down which I planned to develop at a later date. | |
| | |
|After each completed Skillswise Confusing Words Quiz I checked over the learners answers to assess and monitor his progression. I assisted him | |
|in improving his score by revisiting and talking through his answers. By finding an activity suitable to his needs I was able to help him | |
|achieve and boost his self-confidence. I felt that using two different learning styles to meet the learning objective of recognising the | |
|correct spelling also enabled the learner to progress and increase his awareness of common mistakes. |29 |
| | |
|Using the spelling test to check his progression, with the vowel sound, was a useful tool to see if he had grasped the idea that the same vowel | |
|sound could be spelt in various forms. Scoring 8/10 demonstrated that he had acquired the basic concept compared to results in October 08. | |
| | |
|I wrote confirmation of what G had accomplished in the lesson in his Reading Intervention Record book and completed my Reading Intervention | |
|Attendance Register. My regular update of record of achievement had been invaluable when the Learning Support Manager had required evidence for |29 |
|the Cluster Based Review. I would be able to give an up-to-date record of how many sessions he had attended and what work had been covered when| |
|the Educational Psychologist attended and any future statutory reports. | |
| | |
| |13 |
| |25 |
| | |
|Evaluate your contribution to the activity, describing why it went well and what, if anything, you would do differently if you were repeating |Std |
|this work | |
|I was concerned that G felt he could not tell me what was bothering him as he usually talked to me very openly. I decided to mention my worries | |
|to the Learning Support Manager who advised me to report my concerns to the progress Office. He voiced his concerns to me next lesson, which I |08 |
|passed onto the Progress office that dealt with bullying issues. These issues had been ongoing for sometime and had clearly upset him thus | |
|hindering him in his progress. | |
| | |
|I felt the activity of completing the confusing words work sheet did not go as smoothly as planned. The learner rushed through and was not able | |
|to focus which, his scores reflect. This I know now was due to him worrying about an event that had taken place at break time. Reflecting back I|07 |
|would observe and encourage the student to complete the task the best of his ability before carrying on with the ICT exercise. | |
| | |
|Overall I felt that the lesson went to plan and now plan to work with the learner re his understanding of were and where during the following | |
|week and further build on sentence structure. | |
| |10 |
| |17 |
Form F2: Response sheet for task 2: Working with a small group
|1. Your details |
|Name |Jackie King |
|Your area(s) of expertise for this task |Literacy SEN key Stage 3 |
|School |Meopham |
|Name of teacher for this task |Learning Support Manager |
|Date of task |4th November 2008 |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record which Standards have been claimed.
|2. Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| |Lesson Plan |18/ 30 |
| |Learning styles ECM p.46, table 3.2 |13 |
| |Differentiated Comic strips |20 |
| |Behaviour Intervention/Report System |16 |
| |Rules of the group |01 |
| |Learner’s completed work |19 |
|3. Context |
|A brief, but anonymous, profile of the learners with whom you have been working: |Std |
| | |
|Three Year 8 (KS3) pupils who attend the Literacy and Reading Intervention Programme identified from previous assessments as having a reading | |
|age below 10 years 2 months. | |
|All three are listed on The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Register with Specific and Moderate Learning Difficulties. | |
|The nature of the activity: | |
|To look at sentence endings. | |
|To increase the learner’s vocabulary by thinking and writing down key words that they associate with question and exclamation marks. | |
|Summarise how you contributed to planning the work, what you planned to do and why |Std |
|I first to look at the Medium Plans for the Year 8 Literacy Programme already printed off the school’s computer network and held in Study | |
|Support. The Medium plans, which complied with The National Curriculum Framework, showed that Unit 2, Lesson 1 was to review the use of terminal| |
|punctuation. I then looked at differentiated plans that had been devised from a previous year to suit the needs of students on the SEN |13 |
|register. I sought out the advice from a member of staff who had already implemented the lesson last year. I agreed with her that using work | |
|sheets, as the learning tool was not the correct method for the group. I was aware from working with the learners individually and as a group |15 |
|that all three learners had low concentration levels. Therefore, I decided to review and modify the plans and adjust further to allow for the |20 |
|inclusion of all 3 learners. I decided that the overall Learning Objective of ‘Understanding the use of terminal punctuation’ was to remain the |06 |
|same but I planned to make the delivery of the lesson active, challenging and remove the barriers to learning through further differentiated |01 |
|resources. This complies with the Learning Support Department Action Plan to improve literacy. I planned to have the Learning Objective written | |
|on the white board before the learners arrived. | |
| |16 |
|I planned to allow for 5 minutes for the starter beginning with a review on their prior knowledge of know about punctuation endings by asking |14 |
|them the meaning of terminal endings. To confirm their skills and knowledge to be developed I planned to give them the sentence ‘sit down’ | |
|verbally and ask them what punctuation was required at the end. I would repeat the sentence but change the tone of my voice to allow for a | |
|different punctuation ending. The lesson was the last in the school day and the learners would often arrive excited and not ready to work so I |18 |
|would need to engage them to listen quickly. | |
| | |
|I planned to allow 35 minutes for the main activity breaking it down into 3 smaller tasks to allow for the learners short attention span. To | |
|stimulate the learners thinking and to build on the knowledge and progress made by the learners in previous lessons, I realised I required |26 |
|resources that would be ability and age appropriate. From previous experience with the group I had identified that all three learners were both | |
|kinaesthetic and visual learners and in accordance with The Every Child Matters Practical Guides for Teachers required visual materials, mind | |
|maps and opportunities to participate in activity-based learning. I planned to utilize the internet to research and download a visual, colourful|30 |
|aid - comic strip cartoons to illustrate and compare how punctuation marks could be used. I had previously identified that the pupils were | |
|reluctant readers and required encouragement. For that reason I thought reading comic strips would be a fun and useful differentiated learning |13 |
|resource. I intended to hi-light how question/exclamation marks were used to add depth to the piece of writing. | |
|I decided to devise and use a mind map with a question/exclamation mark in the centre to brain storm their ideas for key and hi-impact words. I | |
|intended to ask the learners to work as a group for this activity but then to allow for some independent learning I would ask them to choose one|21 |
|key word from each mind map and place into an interesting sentence. This would allow me to monitor and evaluate their progress. |08 |
| | |
|I planned for the plenary to last 10 minutes. To keep the lesson active and engaging and to check knowledge and understanding I intended to |09 |
|invite each student to write one of their chosen sentences on the white board. This activity would give me the opportunity to observe and | |
|evaluate their knowledge. I would ask the other learners to review the sentence and correct if necessary. This activity would allow for | |
|constructive feedback from their peers and me. I also planned to give positive feedback by displaying the finished and marked mind maps on the |23 |
|newly acquired display boards for two weeks. This would be an ideal incentive to be the first learners to have their work put on view. It would | |
|boost their self-esteem and demonstrate that their work was valued. | |
| | |
|Due to the learning difficulties of the learners and allowing for behavioural issues from previous lessons I decided to restructure the seating | |
|arrangement. Due to the nature of Study Support I planned to arrange the tables into a triangle thus allowing each student to sit behind the |24 |
|outer edge. This would enable me to see all the learners and they to see me. Also the intended layout would permit me to help the students | |
|individually by having clear access and still enable them to participate as a team. I knew from previous lessons that KM and DC were on school | |
|report as set out in the school’s Behaviour Intervention/Report System. | |
| | |
| | |
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| | |
| |16 |
| | |
| | |
| |32 |
| | |
|Describe what happened when you carried out the work |Std |
|As the students arrived I greeted them Good Afternoon and by name, asked them to sit where I had placed their folders, bags to be placed under |02 |
|the desks. I reminded the learners of the behaviour expected of them and the rules of the group previously agreed and up on display. |01 |
| |03 |
|Once I had completed the group register I introduced the learners to the learning objective and asked them what was meant by terminal |32 |
|punctuation. As the learners were not forthcoming with their reply I enquired if they knew what the definition of the word terminal was, giving| |
|them the example of a terminal at a train station and terminal illness. I praised KM for his quick response of ‘end’ and modified my original |14 |
|question to ‘what possible end punctuation marks could they list? I asked each pupil to name one and wrote their answers on the white board, |22 |
|giving the learners praise as I did so. |04 |
| |18 |
|I moved onto my next planned task. I explained that by using the correct punctuation a different message could be conveyed. I provided them with| |
|the example ‘sit down’. I directed them to listen to the tone of my voice and state what punctuation ending was required. This they completed | |
|easily boosting their self-esteem and confidence. | |
| |03 |
|For the main activity I asked the learners to look at the assorted comic strips and see the different use of punctuation endings. KM observed | |
|how exclamation marks were often used to represent sounds and movements. KAB selected endings that hi-lighted emotions. We discussed how often | |
|the sentences were short especially when using question words and agreed this was for dramatic effect. I gave the learners the exclamation mark | |
|mind map resource and asked them to write key words they thought could be associated with this punctuation ending. KAB asked if she could use |04 |
|different coloured pens to write in. This I agreed to as I thought it would keep her on task and aid her presentation. I left the comic strips | |
|on the desk as an aid memoir and research tool. As they worked they helped each other but at one point the discussion level became too |26 |
|boisterous and I reminded the learners that quiet voices were required so as not to disturb other students in the room. | |
| | |
|We next moved onto the mind map for question words. KAB pointed out that the most common question words began with ‘wh’. Agreeing with her I | |
|praised her for her observations and encouraged her to think of some other words |03 |
| | |
|Once they had completed the main activity I moved onto the plenary of writing their sentences on the white board. I asked KM to be the first to | |
|write his sentence on the board as he was starting to become distracted by the time and required re-focusing. Once he had written his sentence | |
|on the board I challenged the learners into making the sentence more complex using other areas of comprehension recently studied. All three | |
|learners responded to the task in a positive manner and completed the task of improving their sentences. I awarded learners with a house point |22 |
|for their effort and level achieved. | |
| | |
|With two minutes to go before the end of the lesson I asked the learners to make sure their name and date was on their work and to place their | |
|work in a pile for me to mark later. I completed KM and DC report cards to confirm they had met their targets as stated. As the pips to signal |26 |
|the end of the lesson went I asked the students to make sure they had all of their belongings, thanked them for all their hard work and | |
|dismissed them for home. |22 |
| | |
| | |
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| |24 |
| |
|Describe any monitoring and/or assessment of the learners that you undertook |Std |
|During the first activity by listening and responding to the learner’s comments I was able to assess how much initial knowledge they had of | |
|terminal punctuation and modify my questioning to their level of understanding. All three learners were able to achieve by listening and giving | |
|examples of punctuation endings. I rewarded the learners with praise thus giving them the confidence to tackle the written task. |22 |
| | |
|Throughout the main activity I walked around the tables observing the learners on task. I questioned how they would use their chosen key words | |
|in sentences. I noticed that DC required prompts to continue with the second task complaining of ‘not more’ writing. I knew from experience that|26 |
|DC not complying with instructions and loosing interest could result in him achieving a low mark on his report card so I decided to manage his | |
|behaviour by assisting him in the task. After talking through some examples of question words I explained, in a quiet voice, to DC that I hoped |03 |
|to display their finished work in Study Support for other pupils to see and that a house point would be awarded to the students who produced a | |
|high standard of work. While evaluating what he had already achieved I was able to offer words of praise and encouragement to continue. He | |
|responded well to the challenge and I noted that he continued on task for the remainder of the lesson. | |
| |30 |
|The main activity had enabled them to increase their knowledge of punctuation and vocabulary, which would aid them in their future English | |
|Lessons. By the end of the lesson I observed that the learners were able to record a sentence on their mind map and white board using the | |
|correct punctuation, beginning and end. By challenging and questioning them further I was able to ascertain what they had learned from the | |
|lesson. | |
| | |
|I fed back to the Learning Support Manager (LSM) on the groups overall performance and behaviour stating that the new seating arrangement had |06 |
|been successful. I confirmed that the group were now ready to move on, building on skills acquired. I reported that I felt the learners were not| |
|taking their skills into their main lessons and suggested this required monitoring. I had seen sight of KM’s Humanities exercise book where he | |
|had not used correct punctuation. This was disappointing, as I knew he was capable. | |
| | |
| |07 |
| | |
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| | |
|Evaluate your contribution to the activity, describing why it went well and what, if anything, you would do differently if you were repeating |Std |
|this work | |
| | |
|Reflecting back, once I had planned the lesson, resourced and devised the differentiated materials I was keen to put the lesson into practice. I|30 |
|thought the comic strip cartoons were well received by the learners and plan to use the resource again. The mind maps enabled the learners to | |
|work in a group and share ideas thus increasing their knowledge from each other. | |
| | |
|Reflecting on my own practice I would in future ask more questions at the planning stage of my colleagues and challenge the short term plans | |
|held in Study Support to update them and to make them more diverse in the delivery stage. |07 |
| | |
Form F3: Response sheet for task 3: Working with a whole class
|1. Your details |
|Name |Jackie King |
|Your area(s) of expertise for this task |Literacy – Key Stage 3 |
|School |Meopham School |
|Name of teacher for this task |Mrs Sharon Outlaw |
|Numbers of learners for this task |22 |
|Date of the task |2/12/08 |
|Was the assigned teacher present for this task? | Yes | No |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record, which Standards have been claimed.
|2. Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| | | |
| |Lesson Plan |31 |
| |School Code of Conduct |03 |
| |Behaviour for learning Policy |26 |
| |Original Medium Plans |17 |
| |Email |31 |
|3. Context |
|A brief, but anonymous, profile of the learners with whom you have been working: |Std |
|4 Year 7 learners on the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Register with Specific and Moderate Learning Difficulties. | |
|1 Year 7 learner registered with English as an Additional Language. | |
|2 SEN learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorder who attend the Nick Hornby Unit- supported by a Teaching Assistant. | |
| |15 |
|The nature of the activity: | |
|Learners to work in their groups preparing their presentation stands for the following lesson | |
|Summarise how you contributed to planning the work, what you planned to do and why |Std |
| | |
|Due to the class teacher being absent for a longer period than planned I was asked to cover the Year 7 Enquiry based Learning (EBL) Lessons for | |
|that week as I usually supported the class in my role as a T/A. |18 |
|As per Meopham School Key Stage Three Enquiry Based Learning Programme- Year 7 medium plans showed that Unit Travel Trouble, Lesson 11 was | |
|Presentation preparation. I decided to review the plans and adjust further to allow for active and group work. By the end of the lesson I |14 |
|planned that all students would be able to understand, through questioning and preparation, what makes a good presentation. |17 |
| | |
|I decided to speak to the Deputy of the English Department, PCO, as I was unable to speak to the class teacher to clarify the proposed lesson | |
|plans of the next two lessons. I had previously worked with PCO under his jurisdiction of Special Educational Needs Coordinator and knew that I | |
|could voice any concerns I had. He suggested that I as I knew the pupils and how far the class had progressed with the scheme of work that I |06 |
|look at the medium plans to assess the next stage. He informed me that there was no connection in the dinner hall where the proposed | |
|presentations were taking place tomorrow. This would cause upset to the learners as they had devised their presentations on power point. |13 |
|Therefore, I had one lesson in which to help the learners restructure and prepare their presentation. I discussed with PCO my suggestions. | |
| | |
|To prime everyone for learning I planned to get the class settled quickly by giving setting a 10-minute starter activity. I planned to ask the |18 |
|class to individually list 5 key factors that they thought made a good quality presentation. I planned to take the register whilst giving the | |
|pupils’ time to think and write down their answers. Once the time set for the activity had gone I intended to ask 3 or 4 learners, depending on | |
|time, to write their suggestions on the whiteboard. I planned to get the class to evaluate, discuss and question the ideas. | |
| | |
|For the main activity, of 20 minutes, I planned to remove the barriers to learning through planned and challenging questions. I devised the | |
|following scenario: If the computer system was ‘down’ on the day of their presentation and they were unable to access PowerPoint how would they |19 |
|deliver their findings? What methods for back up would they use? How could they further develop their main ideas? Could they predict how their | |
|indented audience would react to an unrehearsed presentation? The intended outcome for this activity would encourage the learners to discuss | |
|their findings and create other methods of delivery. | |
| | |
|I planned to give clear expectations that the task was a team effort; it was the team leaders’ job to ensure that every member was included but | |
|I planned to stress that it was up to the individual to participate. I proposed to have suitable resources such as pencils and paper available | |
|to aid their presentation. |01 |
| | |
|To take into consideration active learning I intended to allow the groups’ time to practice their presentation before showing the class their | |
|findings. This would give me the opportunity to observe, monitor and challenge the learners to modify their presentation and to ensure all team | |
|players participated to excel their level of capability. The timing of this activity would depend on how prepared the group felt they were. I | |
|would ensure that all groups had the minimum of 5 minutes to practice. | |
| |21 |
|I decided that the plenary of the lesson would be for each group to demonstrate their presentation one at a time in front of the class. I would | |
|ask the class for feedback on each presentation. This activity would allow me to evaluate if the learning objective had been met and enable the | |
|learners to practice their speaking and listening skills. | |
| |19 |
|I decided to review the pupils on the SEN register, as I would not have the support from an additional T/A in the lesson. As I planned to | |
|support the inclusion of all the learners in the class I felt from previously working with the class that student JC’s complex medical needs, | |
|poor concentration and slow processing skills, may affect his ability to work within a group of five. I knew that the learner enjoyed art and | |
|would be able to design and produce a poster on his group’s project. I discussed with his Form Tutor his emotional well being to ascertain the | |
|level of intervention required. I concluded from the meeting that consistent praise and encouragement would be essential for the student to | |
|achieve without the other students being aware of his difficulties. I planned to observe and monitor JC throughout the lesson and intervene |23 |
|quickly where necessary. | |
|I decided to speak to the Teaching Assistant (GAW) who supported the two Nick Hornby Students in the lesson. I shared with her the revised | |
|lesson plan to establish if she thought any additional support would be required for her learners. After discussion I decided that as class | |
|teacher for the lesson I would support and assist her in her judgements of the students needs thus enabling the learners to succeed. | |
| |08 |
|I planned that due to the nature of the groups and classroom setting the seating arrangements would remain the same as in previous lessons. This|09 |
|would entail moving a few chairs just prior to the class arriving. I was aware that once the groups moved onto practicing their presentations |06 |
|the learners might decide that the tables and chairs would be in their way. I planned that if the learners asked to move the furniture I would |20 |
|respond by informing them if they tucked in the chairs under the desks they would have sufficient room to practice. This would still enable them| |
|to work in a safe environment. | |
| |06 |
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| |33 |
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| |32 |
|Describe what happened when you carried out the work |Std |
|Due to the nature of my timetable I was able to arrange the chairs just prior to the lesson. With all the booklets, equipment and materials | 14 |
|necessary for the lesson ready I wrote the learning objective on the white board and awaited the arrival of the learners outside the English | |
|block. | |
| | |
|Once the students had lined up and uniform checked I led them calmly into the class. The students were used to this procedure as I often |02 |
|completed it for the class teacher. As the students walked pass me into the classroom I greeted them with Good Morning, using many of the | |
|learners’ names as I did so. The learners quickly seated themselves in their groups. I asked the class to ensure that they placed all their bags| |
|and belongings under the desks. As soon as this was completed and the class quiet I advised the class that their Teacher was still absent and |32 |
|that I had been asked to cover the class. I reminded the class that I expected the same level of behaviour and enthusiasm that they gave their | |
|class teacher. I asked a learner to hand out a piece of lined paper to each pupil. Whilst this was taking place I read aloud the learning | |
|objective. I asked the class to individually write down 5 key factors that they thought made a good quality presentation, giving them a time |02 |
|allowance of 4 minutes. Whilst completing this task I completed the class register. Once I counted down the seconds to complete the task, had | |
|quiet in the room I randomly asked a student to write one of their ideas on the whiteboard. The students were keen to carry out the exercise as | |
|hands were raised requesting participation. I asked a further three pupils to add their ideas to the board. As a class we evaluated and | |
|discussed the learners’ ideas and I questioned some of the learner’s ideas. |19 |
| | |
|I then moved onto deliver the main activity of the lesson. I advised the class that their class was one of three Enquiry Based Learning classes | |
|chosen to go into the main hall tomorrow to deliver their presentation. I posed the question were they ready? I asked the class what they | |
|thought a display should have to check their knowledge and understanding. I was given some particularly good answers from Group One. I gave the | |
|pupils the planned scenario proposed questions. I reiterated my expectations for the activity emphasising the named roles, that the task was a | |
|team effort and that everyone should be included. I asked the class if they had any questions. As I had no response I asked a learner to hand |19 |
|out their folders containing their projects. I advised the class that they had 15 minutes on the task followed by 10 minutes rehearsal time. | |
| | |
|Whilst the activity was taking place a noticed JC staring straight ahead. With the same consistent approach that his form tutor used I moved to | |
|his right side and crouched down so as to gain his attention. In a quiet voice I asked JC if he could tell me what task the group leader had | |
|given him. He replied by shrugging his shoulders. I rephrased the question as to how did he think his group presentation was going and did he | |
|have any ideas to improve it. As he gave me his suggestions I responded by praising his ideas and redirected him onto designing a poster about | |
|the dangers of cars parking in inappropriate areas of the school car park. After giving him the required resources and clear expectations of | |
|what I wanted him to achieve I walked away to allow him some independence. | |
| | |
|I quietly sought out GAW to aid her with her learners as she had caught my eye. Once she explained what the difficulty was, non-compliance, I |08 |
|modified the task he had been given by the group leader. Initially he still refused but after I listened to his reasons I redirected the learner|06 |
|further onto a different task altogether. I emphasised to the leader that every team member had a valuable role to play within the group. |03 |
| |22 |
|With twenty minutes to go I advised the class that if they felt they had modified their presentation they could now practice their finished | |
|piece. I informed them they had 10 minutes practice time. As the noise level rose I reminded the class of my expectations of behaviour. Even |01 |
|though the class were excited they followed my request. Throughout this activity I joined various groups, responding to the questions they | |
|asked, giving praise and encouragement when required. I was surprised no one had asked to move the desks. | |
| | |
|During the last ten minutes of the lesson I observed and listened to the learners presenting their findings to the class. As a few learners |22 |
|appeared nervous I gave them words of encouragement to aid them in the task. I found that eye contact was required to refocus two members of the|04 |
|class one of whom quickly settled once he realised their behaviour was not acceptable. Unfortunately the second learner did not respond to my | |
|silent request and I therefore had to issue him with a consequence, first warning, (C1) following the behavioural guidelines set out in the | |
|school code of conduct and staff handbook. | |
| |03 |
|With two minutes to the end of the lesson I asked the class to sum up what made a good presentation looking for key words. I asked each group in| |
|turn for one word each. I asked for the leader in each group to collate all their pieces of paper and to place them on the front desk. Asking | |
|for the learners’ attention I praised them for their hard work, asked them to gather their belongings and to stand behind their chairs quietly. | |
|I dismissed them as soon as the pips sounded. I thanked GAW for her help and assistance. | |
| | |
| | |
| |16 |
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| |23 |
| |24 |
| |
|Describe any monitoring and/or assessment of the learners that you undertook |Std |
| | |
|When discussing the learner’s ideas in the starter activity I questioned their ideas to help them build on their practical knowledge achieved in|01 |
|previous lessons. | |
| | |
|I observed and monitored the class, during the main activity, by walking around the room, encouraging students in different groups to complete |03 |
|the required task. I demonstrated positive behaviour by listening to their opinions and responded with probing questions to allow them to | |
|develop their ideas even further. | |
| | |
|I was able to engage and redirect JC to enable him to achieve the learning objective. I monitored his level of achievement from a distance to |22 |
|allow him to work unaided to access his ideas. He was able respond to my clear instructions and produced a humorous poster showing cars parked | |
|illegally. | |
| | |
|I entered the learners C1 into the eportal system and voiced my concerns to his form tutor re a decline in behaviour. | |
| | |
|During the last ten minutes of the lesson I observed and listened to the learners presenting their findings. I commentated on their overall | |
|staging of their results and where necessary challenged their delivery. I gave positive comments on their research and noted how well they had |29 |
|all worked as a team. By the end of the 50-minute lesson I felt that all had met the learning objective. I evaluated their gathered | |
|notes/posters and noted the various methods they had used to display their results. | |
| | |
| | |
|Evaluate your contribution to the activity, describing why it went well and what, if anything, you would do differently if you were repeating |Std |
|this work | |
|I found the support received from PCO invaluable and a boost for my self-confidence. | |
|I fed back to PCO at the end of the lesson re the class performance and behaviour. As I was taking the next EBL lesson he recommended that I |17 |
|plan for the lesson to take place in the hall. I suggested that I would ask for additional support from my department as I felt the class | |
|behaviour might deteriorate due to anxiety of presenting their findings in a different setting and in front of other classes. |07 |
| | |
|The starter task took slightly longer than I anticipated as the learners were keen to share their many ideas and I felt I shouldn’t curb their |23 |
|enthusiasm. |24 |
| | |
|I reported to the class teacher my concerns re the students in each group. Even though I felt each learner had met the learning objective I | |
|concluded that some of the learners did not work well together. In spite of the groups being put together using a Multiple Intelligence | |
|Questionnaire, September 08, to determine their dominance intelligence I felt the assessment had not taken into consideration strong | |
|personalities. After discussing each learner’s strengths, weaknesses and behaviour and to ascertain which learners I considered would work well | |
|together we re-arranged the groups ready for the next EBL project to commence in Jan 09. | |
Form F4: Response sheet for task 4: Situation 1
|Your details |
|Name |Jackie King |
|School |Meopham School |
|Date of task |22nd September 08 |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record, which Standards have been claimed.
|Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| |ICT Department Rules |01 |
| |School Code of Conduct |03 |
|Brief description of situation |Std |
|Enrichment Monday began in Term 1, Week 2. Letters had been sent to parents back in June 08 asking them if they were for /against the school | |
|closing at 2.30pm every Monday afternoon. The idea behind it was to offer the pupils at Meopham School extra curricular activities with which to| |
|enrich their learning after school. Many of the pupils relied on school/public buses to transport them to and from school and were therefore | |
|unable to attend clubs run after 3.15 pm. As part of the process Teaching Assistants, based in Study Support, were asked to support the scheme | |
|by volunteering to help with the running of the various clubs on offer. As my main area of work is based around literacy I offered to assist | |
|with the Homework Club in C11, ICT Suite. I hoped to build a relationship with the learners in a less formal environment. I was aware that | |
|having access to computers enabled pupils to research and investigate or word process their essay/course writing and provided the opportunity to| |
|learners who may not have a computer or the internet at home. |02 |
|To be prepared for the role I revisited the Homework Policy in the Staff handbook, p105, which has been written using the School Standards & | |
|Framework Act 1988 – Home-school Agreement as a guideline. I was conscious that some pupils were only attending the club because they were | |
|unable to go home due to relaying on public or school buses and realised that there maybe some opposition from a minority as to completing | |
|homework. I wanted to be able to support the purpose behind the ethos of homework. I had previously been given an up-to-date timetable of |16 |
|Homework for years 8 to 11 therefore would able to check the pupils school planner and note if any homework had been recorded on the correct | |
|day. Year 7’s had been given an Independent Home Learning Pack, a new scheme to encourage and develop independent learning based around each | |
|subject area. | |
| | |
|Analysis: what you did, how and why, and with what consequences |Std |
| | |
|I attended the above club as per usual in C11 the ICT Suite. | |
|Whilst monitoring the pupils around the room I noticed a pupil, KB - Year 9, accessing an Internet game, which I knew, was against school rules.| |
|He quickly closed the screen once he realised I had been watching him. I asked the learner if he needed any help and what homework he had to | |
|complete to which he replied none. I asked him to show me his pupil planner so that I could check for myself. He responded quickly and did what |04 |
|I requested. Upon checking I noticed he hadn’t written down any homework from the previous week. His response was to say he had been off school | |
|unwell and therefore hadn’t been set any. A note of absence in his planner confirmed this. I reminded KB that if he had been off school for any | |
|reason it was his responsibility to catch up on any work missed. I reminded KB of the ICT Department rules re ‘Consequences of Misuse of the | |
|Computer System’. Rule 3 – Accessing unsuitable sites - resulted in a 2 week Internet ban, C3 detention together with a letter sent home. I was| |
|able to point out the rules on the classroom wall as confirmation. I explained to KB that even though this was not a formal lesson the rules |03 |
|still needed to be adhered to and so as to not be tempted back on to an Internet game I suggested he accessed SAMLearning Secondary, an Internet|01 |
|site that Meopham School bought into last year. I reminded KB of the concept behind the programme and how it might help him develop his skills | |
|in revision and answering exam style questions suitable for his age and ability. Each pupil is able to log in using Centre Id followed by User | |
|ID, this being the pupils date of birth followed by their initials. A log is kept by the ICT Department as to who uses the site and hours | |
|logged. I reminded KB that as Term 1 had only just begun he had time to build on his skills as well as build up on some hours as a prize was |01 |
|avilable to the pupil who uses SAMLearning the most in the school year. KB agreed to log on and so not face any consequences. Upon reviewing the|02 |
|room within the next five minutes I noticed he was engrossed in a Maths game and achieving a high score. | |
| | |
| |26 |
| | |
| |28 |
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| | |
|What did you learn that would inform your future practice? |Std |
|From this situation I learnt that by being aware of the ICT rules and learning resources I was able to quickly redirect the pupil onto a site |01 |
|suitable to his needs thus aiding him in reaching his full potential. I feel on this occasion hi-lighting the ICT rules and giving the pupil a |12 |
|warning was the correct approach to enable the learner to proceed with an activity. If however, I found the learner back on an inappropriate | |
|site I would apply the rules. This would be a fair and consistent approach as stipulated in the School Code of Conduct for staff. |03 |
Form F5: Response sheet for task 4: Situation 2
|Your details |
|Name | |
|School | |
|Date of task | |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record, which Standards have been claimed.
|Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| | | |
| |Health & Safety Policy |16 |
| |Evacuation Policy |32 |
|Brief description of situation |Std |
| | |
|A practice Fire Drill date had been announced during morning briefing Wednesday 24th September for Friday 26th September 08. This was in |16 |
|accordance with the schools evacuation policy, ‘the initial drill is held at the beginning of the school year to familiarise everybody with the | |
|alarm, assembly points etc,’ and section 10.2 of the schools Health & Safety Policy, ‘regularly rehearsed by staff and pupils.’ The drill was to| |
|take place during lesson 2 between 9.30 am and 10.20 am. | |
|As I had been made aware of when the drill was to take place I took the time to allocate the school’s Health and Safety Policy, Section 10, | |
|Emergency Plans 10.1 and 10.2 and the evacuation/fire drill policy from the Staff handbook 2008/9 p60/61 which, conformed to the Health & Safety| |
|at Work Act 1974, Sections 7 & 8. Whilst reading the policy It was interesting to note that the policy was not reviewed every year, as I was | |
|able to pick up on a staffing error. The staff name mentioned to whom personnel and teaching assistants were to report to had left due to the | |
|restructuring of the staff in the previous year. I reported this fact to my line manager who, after a phone call, confirmed our position of whom| |
|to report to at the assembly point. | |
|Analysis: what you did, how and why, and with what consequences |Std |
| | |
|Due to me following Year 7s for the first 6 weeks of their first term and due to their timetable it happened that I was in the Textiles | |
|department every Friday morning. As per previous experience I knew the drill would not take place until the last ten minutes of the lesson. I |17 |
|advised DRO, class teacher, of this fact, as she was a newly qualified teacher and new to the school. I was able to advise her which pupils I | |
|had been working with were at risk of becoming apprehensive at the sudden loud bell/alarm. She voiced further concerns and together we looked at|06 |
|the class list and hi-lighted pupils, including pupils on the Special Educational Needs register (SEN) and English as an Additional Language | |
|(EAL), who might require guidance and reassurance. The two pupils from The Nick Hornby Unit would have the support from the T/A allocated to | |
|them. I advised her that all form tutors of Year 7s should have taken them through the procedure and shown them where to assemble on the lower | |
|tennis courts but that it was a lot for the pupils to digest in their first few weeks of secondary school. The CT suggested that as I had sound |15 |
|knowledge of the procedure I should lead the pupils out of the department and through the double doors onto the playground whilst she would | |
|ensure that all the pupils had vacated the department. I was happy to go along with the request. | |
| | |
|The lesson progressed as planned by DRO. The fire alarm sounded at 10.10. The pupils were quickly asked to stop what they were doing, remain | |
|silent, and to follow me out of the room promptly to make their way to the assembly point. As I left the department I watched the pupils already|06 |
|hi-lighted and realised that some of the Year 7 pupils, in a state of anxiety, would just follow the pupils in front and not realise that they | |
|would go to the wrong form tutor. This was due to the class being a mixture of forms. I quickly noticed that this had happened to K, a | |
|vulnerable SEN pupil, Stage A, who was now looking lost and ready to burst into tears. I remembered she had had difficulty recalling her place | |
|in the class register in a previous lesson due to her short-term memory problems so I felt her anxiety wasn’t just down to the fire drill. Once |32 |
|reassured I reunited with her form and tutor, where she was guided to her place in register order and her name checked off. | |
| | |
|Once I had made sure that other ‘lost’ looking Year 7 pupils had found their form I went to my designated assembly point for Teaching Assistants| |
|to be registered. |04 |
| |15 |
| | |
|What did you learn that would inform your future practice? |Std |
|I feel that an evacuation/fire drill is a valuable activity for the pupils. By Modelling the correct behaviour the pupils learn that prompt, | |
|calm action is to be taken while evacuating the building as soon as the alarm sounds. |03 |
| | |
|I recognised and was able to reassure a vulnerable learner who appeared overwhelmed by seeing the whole school on the move. I spoke calmly to | |
|her as I walked her to where her form were lining up. |04 |
| | |
|By reading the full Health & Safety Policy I was now aware that any fire evacuation rehearsals had to be reported to the governing body for | |
|evaluation. I have further learnt that since the drill the Health & Safety policy is now in the process of being rewritten. |16 |
Form F6: Response sheet for task 4: Situation 3
|Your details |
|Name |Jackie King |
|School |Meopham Secondary |
|Date of task |5th December 08 |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record, which Standards have been claimed.
|Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| | | |
| |Anti-bullying policy |27 |
| |Educational Psychology Service Report |02 |
|Brief description of situation |Std |
|Learner G had previously told me about an incident on his way home on the school bus. He had regularly been verbally bullied and finally felt | |
|ready to tell an adult the pupils names. He told me he was still being called “names”, had “had enough” and wanted to lash out at the bullies. I| |
|listened sympathetically and praised him for remaining calm as I could hear the frustration in his voice. I advised him that I would give the |27 |
|other pupils names to the Progress Assistants who dealt with bullying issues under the school’s Anti-bullying Policy and assured him that the | |
|bullies would have sanctions put in place for their actions. Under the policy the students who have been bullied are supported by reassurance | |
|and restoration of self-confidence. Even though the learner had been referred to the Educational Psychology Service for assessment it was |16 |
|decided at a pastoral meeting that the learner needed to be encouraged to participate in out-of-hours learning opportunities. This would enable | |
|him to see staff and pupils in a different light, make a positive contribution, develop self- confidence and by participation remove the | |
|barriers to achievement. | |
|Analysis: what you did, how and why, and with what consequences |Std |
|I decided to evaluate the impact of the additional intervention, as I was aware that the learner’s emotional development and learning had been | |
|affected by the bullying. I had observed G sucking his thumb less in our 1:1 sessions and he appeared more relaxed with his self-confidence |08 |
|growing. I asked the learner what activity he was involved in after school and was pleasantly surprised when he replied that he was involved |24 |
|with the school’s Christmas production, helping with the spot lights. As I regularly helped with Front of House on performance nights I had the | |
|ideal opportunity to observe the learner unobtrusively. | |
| |06 |
|I spoke to the Arts Head of Department who confirmed how G had grown in confidence as he learnt the mechanics behind controlling the spotlight. | |
|She had however, noticed that he was getting nervous as the performance date loomed. I agreed that I would be available on the night to calm and| |
|reassure him and the other attendants. | |
| | |
|On the performance night I met a very excitable, chatty young man who couldn’t wait for the performance to begin. I reminded him of the |03 |
|appropriate behaviour required in front of visitors to the school and demonstrated how to meet and greet and show ticket holders to their seats.| |
| | |
| | |
|As the music began and G had taken his position I observed how he applied his new, practical knowledge working, as a team player. As the show | |
|progressed his shoulders relaxed as he settled into his role. During the interval I praised him for remaining on task and making a positive |23 |
|contribution to the proceedings. He grinned in response, which confirmed to me how far he had come in his achievements. His self-esteem and | |
|confidence bursting at the seams. | |
| | |
|When his parents collected him at the end of the performance I was able to give a positive report of how G had contributed to the proceedings. I| |
|knew that there had been difficulty in collecting G from after school rehearsals and thanked them for their support on behalf of the Arts | |
|Department. G’s mother reported that the effort had been worth it as they had seen a remarkable change in G’s attitude to school. |04 |
| | |
| |05 |
| | |
|What did you learn that would inform your future practice? |Std |
|I learnt that extended activities help pupils engage, achieve and aid in building stronger relationships with school staff and pupils of | |
|different ages. As identified in the Early Child Matters Agenda extended school opportunities remove the barriers to achievement and promote |07 |
|inclusion. | |
| | |
|By taking an interest in the learner I feel a more respectful relationship has been established which was confirmed to me later by the learner |02 |
|mentioning my name to the Senior Practitioner Educational Psychologist as the ‘best person at school’. I also received two weeks later a box of |04 |
|chocolates from G and his family. | |
Form F7: Response sheet for task 4: Situation 4
|Your details |
|Name |Jackie King |
|School |Meopham Secondary |
|Date of task |July 08 |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record which Standards have been claimed.
|Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| |Graphs showing use of ICT skills |12 |
| |Table showing range of assessment techniques and progress |23/24 |
| |RIP questionnaire |24 |
| |Graphs showing analysed data |25 |
| |RIP letter to parents/carer |04 |
| |Appointment card |06 |
| |Email confirming feedback |07 |
| |Email directing staff |33 |
|Brief description of situation |Std |
| | |
|Analysing data collected from reading age assessments and a survey to ascertain reading preferences from students on the Reading Intervention |24 |
|Programme. | |
|Analysis: what you did, how and why, and with what consequences |Std |
| | |
|As lead contact for the Reading Intervention Programme (RIP) I sent an email to staff delivering the programme re assessing student’s current | |
|reading age with the need to monitor, review the list of pupils attending the scheme and provide feedback to the LSM. I confirmed the date for |23 |
|testing Tuesday 2nd July 08, Period. Via the school’s eportal notice board system and individually by email I informed teaching staff that |24 |
|students would not be in their lessons. I initiated an informal meeting to decide on the testing material and after discussion with the other | |
|team members decided on Access Reading Test B and Salford Sentence Reading Test Y. | |
| | |
|Once the reading tests had taken place I shared in the responsibility of marking the test papers and collating the results. I decided a new | |
|format was required to show the before and after results and explored Microsoft Excel, inputting the data. | |
| |25 |
|I shared the data with the Learning Support Manager (LSM) via email. The LSM enquired if the data could be shown in another format, for example,| |
|using graphs. She had seen an example in SENCO Update July issue and wanted to share the good results with SKE, Head Teacher. I agreed to | |
|investigate as I only had limited experience in this field. I sought advice from another colleague, MEL, as to how to create graphs. Trial and | |
|error and sharing the learning process I devised a new format. I emailed each member of the team an individual table and bar chart hi-lighting | |
|their students reading ages in Oct 07 and July 08 for their information. By analysing the team’s data at face value I was able to establish that| |
|the girls had not achieved as well as the boys. To confirm my findings I decided more clarification was required. | |
| |07 |
|My first port of call was to find out the ratio of boys to girls. I imputed the information and produced a pie chart showing a clear ratio of | |
|3:1. Next, the information of how many months a students reading age had increased was imputed, using two separate headings, Boys and Girls. I | |
|produced a scatter graph, which I then analysed. I wanted to know what percentages of boy/girls reading ages had improved by more than 6 months | |
|and 1 year. The results confirmed that even though there were fewer girls attending the RIP scheme the boys achieved a higher reading age | |
|increase. | |
| | |
|I took the results to a team RIP meeting on 17th July 08 where it was agreed which of my students had made good progress and did not need to |12 |
|access the scheme in the following school year. Teaching assistants delivering the programme would send a letter home confirming their student’s| |
|progress. Using the data I hi-lighted the need for books aimed primary at the girls interest level to engage them in their reading. As brochures|25 |
|were regularly received in Study Support it was agreed that I would evaluate new schemes. | |
| | |
|I felt that in order for the department to buy the appropriate books I would need to identify what type of books the students preferred. For | |
|example fiction or non-fiction. I met with JCO, School Librarian and Specialist Teaching Assistant and agreed that a questionnaire would be the |06 |
|next step forward. As I felt this was more her expertise than mine I asked her if she could produce a questionnaire, depicting the various | |
|genres. I agreed the format and asked if the questionnaire could be ready to be completed by October. |05 |
| | |
|Due to the school year schedule I was not able to implement the questionnaire to the pupils attending the RIP programme until December 08. Once | |
|completed and the information collated I was able to produce a bar chart and line graph depicting the students reading preferences. Evaluating | |
|the preferences it was interesting to note that the findings were different to what the RIP team thought. I booked an appointment with a | |
|representative from McGraw Hill for 26th January 09 to visit the school with a range of books. I reminded my colleagues by email of the event |06 |
|including the school librarian. I was able to look at the various schemes of books the rep brought with her, evaluating the schemes to ascertain| |
|if they would work within our school. After discussion it was agreed, if funding could be secured via the LSM, to order a whole scheme with |24 |
|various interest levels suitable for students with low reading ages. | |
| |33 |
| | |
| | |
| |12 |
| | |
| |24 |
| | |
|What did you learn that would inform your future practice? |Std |
| | |
|I was able to create meaningful graphs, which visually showed all staff how beneficial the Reading Intervention Programme was. The development |07 |
|need had been hi-lighted in my Annual Performance Review and was now a target that had been successfully met. | |
|The new format is effortless for me to maintain with pupils coming on and off the programme. I am able to quickly identify students making | |
|progress and those requiring further differentiated input. | |
| | |
|Completing the questionnaire with the students on the RIP scheme was very worthwhile as it gave the department an oversight of what reading | |
|material was required. Filling out the forms with the students opened up discussion about genre, thin or thick books, size and font of text, |04 |
|cartoons or pictures to aid. Completing the questionnaire in December meant that the new Year 7 pupil’s on the scheme could give their opinion. | |
| | |
|I found the book session with the representative very valuable as I could appraise the books for their learning value and if they would be | |
|age/gender appropriate for the RIP needs. I was pleased to note the event was well attended by support staff who helped give feedback, which I | |
|was able to use in my final recommendations to the Learning Support Manager. | |
| |06 |
Form F8: Response sheet for task 4: Situation 5
|Your details |
|Name |Jackie King |
|School |Meopham |
|Date of task |6th October 2008 |
Where relevant in the following sections, the right-hand column is provided for you to record which Standards have been claimed.
|Sources of evidence for this task |
|Document reference no. |Brief description |Std |
| |Emails confirming time and place of meeting |06 |
| |Notes of Meeting with advice and feedback |07 |
|Brief description of situation |Std |
| | |
|Interim informal review meeting with a representative from Gravesham Specialist Teacher Team in relation to a Key Stage 4 pupil I have been |06 |
|working with for about a year. The meeting was arranged to discuss how the service could support him. I emailed his teachers prior to the | |
|meeting asking for feedback re progress and any difficulties that had arisen so far in the school year. | |
|Analysis: what you did, how and why, and with what consequences |Std |
| | |
|The meeting began with the Learning Support Manager (LSM) and myself updating the Specialist Teacher HB on the learner’s progress since the last|06 |
|meeting using his improved reading age as part evidence. I was able to give feedback from his subject teachers and copies of the emails |23 |
|received. I confirmed that as yet that year, due to my timetable commitments, I had not been able to work with the learner but which I hoped to |25 |
|rectify in the following term. As the learner was now following the school’s Young Apprenticeship Programme in Sport I stressed the difficulties| |
|in taking him out of lessons as he was only taking the core subjects plus PE. I suggested supporting him in lessons might be more beneficial | |
|rather than removing him for support sessions. After discussion I agreed that I would support the learner in one English lesson a week and would| |
|be available to the learner on a Monday in the homework club. I did however mention that I didn’t feel the learner would stay to attend the H/W | |
|club despite it being in his best interests to do so. | |
|SW joined the meeting and was congratulated for his progress. The LSM and I left the meeting to allow HB to talk to the learner. | |
|HB later reported that the learner felt he had a very positive relationship with Support staff, which was gratifying to hear. I received a copy | |
|of the report a few days later with suggestions and strategies that could be followed. I spoke at length to his English teacher who agreed that | |
|mind maps would be a useful resource, whilst appraising Shakespeare and other topics, and would also benefit other visual learners in her class.| |
| |07 |
| | |
| |06 |
| | |
|What did you learn that would inform your future practice? |Std |
| | |
|I learnt the value of keeping records and assessments, as I was able to use the evidence to hi-light the learner’s progress. |25 |
Form F9/10: Assessment grid
Name of candidate Jackie King Name of school Meopham Name of Assessor
Candidates should fill in black parts and leave blue parts clear for assessors
| | |
|Std |Tasks Candidates please ( to show where you are claiming each standard |
12 |Know how to use ICT to support professional activities | | | | |Graphs I prepared showing use of ICT skills. | |
No | | | |/ | | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
13 |Know how statutory and non-statutory frameworks for the school curriculum relate to the age and ability ranges of the learners they support | | | | |Section of Every Child Matters referred to in Task 1.4
Learning Styles Every Child Matters table 3.2 & p.46 referred to in the planning stage of group lesson. | |
No | | |/ |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
14 |Understand the objectives, content and intended outcomes for the learning activities in which they are involved | | | | |Medium plans for Key Stage Three literacy Programme which I referred to in the planning stage of group lesson. | |
No | | |/ |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
15 |Know how to support learners in accessing the curriculum in accordance with the special educational needs (SEN) code of practice and disabilities legislation | | | | |Section of Special Educational Needs-Code of Practice referred to in Task 1.4 | |
No | | |/ |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
16 |Know how other frameworks, that support the development and well-being of children and young people, impact upon their practice | | | | |Behaviour Intervention/Report System taken from Meopham School Policy Booklet.
Health & Safety Policy | |
No | | | |/ |/ |/ | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
17 |Use their area(s) of expertise to contribute to the planning and preparation of learning activities | | | | |Enquiry Based Learning Original Medium Plans. | |
No | | | |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
18 |Use their area(s) of expertise to plan their role in learning activities | | | | | Group Lesson Plan Showing Time Management. | |
No | | |/ |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
19 |Devise clearly structured activities that interest and motivate learners and advance their learning | | | | |Completed mind maps by learners | |
No | | | |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
20 |Plan how they will support the inclusion of the children and young people in the learning activities | | | | |Differentiated comic strips allowing learners to access the curriculum.
| |
No | | | |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
21 |Contribute to the selection and preparation of resources suitable for children and young people' interests and abilities | | | | |Prepared Mind Maps for Group Session. | |
No | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
22 |Monitor learners' responses to activities and modify the approach accordingly | | | | |Completed Mind Maps by Learners. | |
No | | |/ | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
23 |Monitor learners' progress in order to provide focused support and feedback | | | | |Table confirming learners progress over 10 months | |
No | | |/ |/ |/ | | |/ |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
24 |Support the evaluation of learners' progress using a range of assessment techniques | | | | |Table confirming range of assessment techniques and results.
Reading Intervention Questionnaire handed out to learners on the Reading Intervention Programme | |
No | | |/ |/ |/ | | |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
25 |Contribute to maintaining and analysing records of learners' progress | | | | |Graph showing analysed data. | |
No | | |/ | | | | | |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
26 |Use effective strategies to promote positive behaviour | | | | |Behaviour for Learning Policy which guidelines I followed in the class once a learner did not respond to requests to modify his behaviour. | |
No | | | |/ |/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
27 |Recognise and respond appropriately to situations that challenge equality of opportunity | | | | |Anti-Bullying Policy which I referred to when helping learner G. | |
No | | | | | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
28 |Use their ICT skills to advance learning | | | | |ICT certificate showing exercise completed by learner in 1:1 learner | |
No | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
29 |Advance learning when working with individuals | | | | |1:1 Lesson Plan used when delivering 1:1 lesson | |
No | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
30 |Advance learning when working with small groups | | | | |Group Lesson Plan used when delivering group lesson | |
No | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
31 |Advance learning when working with whole classes without the presence of the assigned teacher | | | | |Whole Class Lesson plan used to deliver the whole class lesson.
Email confirming taking a whole class without the presence of a teacher. | |
No | | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
32 |Organise and manage learning activities in ways which keep learners safe | | | | |Evacuation Policy from School Policy Handbook which I referred to prior to the practice fire drill. | |
No | | | |/ |/ | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
33 |Direct the work, where relevant, of other adults in supporting learning | | | | |Email I sent reminding teaching assistants to attend book demonstration. | |
No | | | | |/ | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |