lessons and must coincide with teaching material. This validates the use of summative assessments and creates benchmarks for our educators. Both summative and formative assessments provide a different set of objectives for educator and student. Formative assessments should be given on a more regular basis and should be used to allow for change in instruction. This change in instruction brings about variations of teaching points and learning objectives based on results from formative assessments. The summative assessment is a reflection of this variation, presenting an assessment that is designed for the purpose of grading and verifying the effectiveness of curriculum (Peterson & Siadat, 2009). These verifying objectives are the rhyme and reason for correlating formative and summative assessments. Without one or the other, they become obsolete and do not fully utilize their potential. This said, if assessments are not reaching potential, we can’t expect our student’s to reach theirs either. Formative and summative assessments if used collaboratively and evaluated fully, will benefit our educators and make for a more lucrative opportunity for students as well.
lessons and must coincide with teaching material. This validates the use of summative assessments and creates benchmarks for our educators. Both summative and formative assessments provide a different set of objectives for educator and student. Formative assessments should be given on a more regular basis and should be used to allow for change in instruction. This change in instruction brings about variations of teaching points and learning objectives based on results from formative assessments. The summative assessment is a reflection of this variation, presenting an assessment that is designed for the purpose of grading and verifying the effectiveness of curriculum (Peterson & Siadat, 2009). These verifying objectives are the rhyme and reason for correlating formative and summative assessments. Without one or the other, they become obsolete and do not fully utilize their potential. This said, if assessments are not reaching potential, we can’t expect our student’s to reach theirs either. Formative and summative assessments if used collaboratively and evaluated fully, will benefit our educators and make for a more lucrative opportunity for students as well.