Graphic organizers were the most diverse form of formative assessment that was used. The types of graphic organizers used are as follows: Know, want to know, and learned charts, T-charts, venn diagram, time lines and spider webs. One of form of graphic organizer was used throughout each lesson. The use of graphic organizers varied depending on the lesson. In some lessons, the students were asked to complete three parts of the graphic organizer and then we would work together to finish the remainder. In other lessons, the students worked with a partner or in a small group. Students, also, were asked to work individually on graphic organizers. For the most part, we would review the graphic organizer prior to the end of the lesson. As the students were completing the graphic organizers, I walked around to each student and observed and took notes on their graphic organizer. This helped me better understand the level each student was at. Depending on the information I observed from the graphic organizers, I would alter the lesson. While I was observing the students, if I noticed students misunderstanding a concept or lacking a concept on their graphic organizer I would revisit that concept. Pending on the time the graphic organizer was used, it would alter the lesson for the following day, or it would adjust the lesson for the remainder of the class. Graphic organizers are a very good formative assessment that allowed me to have a better understanding of the level of understanding form my students as well as my
Graphic organizers were the most diverse form of formative assessment that was used. The types of graphic organizers used are as follows: Know, want to know, and learned charts, T-charts, venn diagram, time lines and spider webs. One of form of graphic organizer was used throughout each lesson. The use of graphic organizers varied depending on the lesson. In some lessons, the students were asked to complete three parts of the graphic organizer and then we would work together to finish the remainder. In other lessons, the students worked with a partner or in a small group. Students, also, were asked to work individually on graphic organizers. For the most part, we would review the graphic organizer prior to the end of the lesson. As the students were completing the graphic organizers, I walked around to each student and observed and took notes on their graphic organizer. This helped me better understand the level each student was at. Depending on the information I observed from the graphic organizers, I would alter the lesson. While I was observing the students, if I noticed students misunderstanding a concept or lacking a concept on their graphic organizer I would revisit that concept. Pending on the time the graphic organizer was used, it would alter the lesson for the following day, or it would adjust the lesson for the remainder of the class. Graphic organizers are a very good formative assessment that allowed me to have a better understanding of the level of understanding form my students as well as my