Every person has an inner need to education. Knowledge which we can gain, allows us to know ourselves. Most of us are asking : how to learn more effective ? It is obvious, there are many different ways to develop our study skills. One example is improve verbal communication – the way we act to other people, to illustrate : it tells a lot about us if we can remember names after first introduction. If we are able to do this, people perceive us like a fair conversationalists. Relationship between student and lecturer is also enormous value in understanding word of mouth. Another skill is academic writing. It is significant in a way, if we could leave on a paper exactly the same thing we insinuate in our brains. Our thoughts, opinions - to readers be able to understand what we really want to. Nevertheless, the essential issue is memory. When we do not use it correctly, it cannot help us. In this essay I will tell you how to improve your memory and why is it so considerable ?…