Youths Speak Out about Child Welfare
Lyndsay M.
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Children in Foster Care Speak Up
Identifying the Authors Sharon Kollar, Jessica Strolin-Golzman and Joann Trinkle wrote a journal entry titled, “Listening to Voice of Children in Foster Care: Youths speak out about child welfare workforce turnover and selection.” It was published in the Oxford University Press in New York, on January 2010. The article was in Volume 55 Issue 1. It was found by using ProQuest Social Science Journals. It was rewritten for the youth who do not always have a say in the process they go through.
Focus on the statistics through both a private and public perspective. Child Welfare workforce turnover rates are to be estimated between 23 to 60 percent annually, per year and the higher rate of 60 percent effected public welfare workforce turnover rates since 2000. A ‘High Turnover Rate’ is defined as, “an annual turnover rate exceeding 25 percent” and on an average “agencies are ranged from 27 to 94 percent” (New York State off of Children and Family Services Bureau of Training, 2004). The turnover rates across all the states regarding Child welfare workforce has become alarming and concerning for both the professionals and clients. Because the majority of the clients personal experiences and voices are not listened too, two New York Social Workers, Kollar, Strolin-Golzman, and Trinkle conducted a study (In New York) which included three themes;
1.” Explore the experiences and opinions about child welfare workforce turnover and retention of youths in the child welfare system, 2. Explore relationship between the number of caseworkers a youth has had and his or her number of foster care placements, 3.To harness the suggestions of youths in resolving the turnover program” (Kollar, Strolin-Golzman, Trinkle 47).
The efforts of this study could be so the client’s voices were
References: Strolin-Goltzman, J., Kollar, S., & Trinkle, J. (2010). Listening to the Voices of Children in Foster Care: Youths Speak Out about Child Welfare Workforce Turnover and Selection. Social Work,55(1), 47-53.