not have a support system. After thinking over this topic, I decided to change it to “social editing among women”. I chose this topic because it seems more original and engaging. Social editing seems like a phenomenon that more women than men seem to be partaking in. It is just the idea of editing what one presents on social media. Of course, people tend to post things that are most proud of and hide the things they do not want to reveal. There have been so many instances where I have seen my friends partake in this idea. And from the outside looking in, their lives seemed much more exciting, accomplished and lavish than what it actually was. When I was using Instagram, I kept seeing my friends graduating from college, going on vacations, buying new cars or getting married. It made me feel worthless and unaccomplished. But when I actually saw some of my followers for the first time sine high school, there was nothing extravagant about them. Yeah they may have bought a new car, but they were already complaining about how they could not afford the payments. They may have been on a few vacations but they only stayed a day or two. In my opinion, that is not a vacation. They may have graduated from college but they were complaining about being stuck in their low paying jobs. It is interesting to see what people do to make their lives seem something that it is not. I am intrigued by this topic because I want to know if these tendencies can be related to low-esteem or the need for validation from others.
not have a support system. After thinking over this topic, I decided to change it to “social editing among women”. I chose this topic because it seems more original and engaging. Social editing seems like a phenomenon that more women than men seem to be partaking in. It is just the idea of editing what one presents on social media. Of course, people tend to post things that are most proud of and hide the things they do not want to reveal. There have been so many instances where I have seen my friends partake in this idea. And from the outside looking in, their lives seemed much more exciting, accomplished and lavish than what it actually was. When I was using Instagram, I kept seeing my friends graduating from college, going on vacations, buying new cars or getting married. It made me feel worthless and unaccomplished. But when I actually saw some of my followers for the first time sine high school, there was nothing extravagant about them. Yeah they may have bought a new car, but they were already complaining about how they could not afford the payments. They may have been on a few vacations but they only stayed a day or two. In my opinion, that is not a vacation. They may have graduated from college but they were complaining about being stuck in their low paying jobs. It is interesting to see what people do to make their lives seem something that it is not. I am intrigued by this topic because I want to know if these tendencies can be related to low-esteem or the need for validation from others.