marathon without any preparation. It simply become nearly impossible. Positive, loving adults are key for a successful life.
“Young children need caring, nurturing, and love, especially traumatized children removed from their homes and entrusted to the care of foster mothers” (Morris, 424). Adolescents aging out often do not have the strong supportive relationships as a normal teenager. These youths have to learn to fend for themselves and leave care with little to no hope. There are programs in individuals state that connect youths to other youths in foster care and caring adults. These programs include the Family and Youth Initiative (DCFYI) based in Washington D.C. The DCFYI hosts events for youths to meet adults in a safe environment. Programs like You Gotta Believe in New York City, the Ampersand Families based in Minnesota, and Weekend Miracles in L.A. county help find forever homes or permanent relationships for adolescents aging out of the foster care system. There are a few nationwide programs such as the Foster Club and A Family for Every Child. The Foster Club is a website where older youth can reach out to younger youth and provide advice for