Partnership Description
Welcome to DMAS GLOBAL. We are the four founding partners as from the 1 January 2013. D is for Dala Grasa, M for Mulundileni Ndaudika, A for Armas Klestina and S for Shafuda Frans.
We Lucia Grasa Dala, third year student at Polytechnic of Namibia studying toward the Chartered Accountant degree; with Armas Klestina (final year University of Cape Town student studying towards her Chartered Accountant degree), Ndauadika Mulundileni, (studying towards a degree in Mechatronics engineering at University of Cape Town ) and Shafuda Frans (studying towards a degree in Mechatronics engineering at University of Cape Town ) have launched a new business in Namibia. We provide Hoodies to societies in South Africa and are looking into expanding to Namibia. We will be looking into the manufacturing world with our client base mainly tertiary institutions, organizations, high schools, kindergartens and pre-primary schools.
* Build DMAS GLOBAL into a manufacturing house majoring in different fields. * Developing new ideas to expand our partnership. * Meet our customer requirements and demand.
DMAS revenue
We generate our income upon customer’s order, through our fast selling gift boxes, and looking forward for our donation/loan approval from well established Namibian business men and women.
Identity of DMAS global DMAS global currently has no place of office but, we are offered an opportunity to open a campus shop at Hifikepunye’s campus in Ongwediva next year. This shop will sell customized and University branded products and various stationeries to students. We have a potential to also get the contract of supplying text books to students as most students indicated they often order their books which take too long to be delivered due to the fact that they often have to order books through South African suppliers or suppliers in Windhoek.
Long Term Aim of the Business
We undertake this