Professor Simmons
10 July 2014
Commitment for Life
Do we shoulder or dodge our obligations? Some people shoulder their obligations, while others do not. Some people shoulder their obligations because they feel that it’s the right way to handle the situation and will ultimately result in the best outcome. Others shoulder their obligations due to peer pressure or in some cases, by the enforcement of the law.
In both New York Times articles, “Four-Legged Reason to Keep It Together” written by Timothy Braun and “Would Our Two New Lives Include a Third?” written by Rhonda Kaysen. The main characters in both stories ultimately decided to shoulder the responsibility of taking on a dependent in their life. …show more content…
Timothy is engaged and is a professor in San Antonio, Texas. Timothy is an avid runner “[who doesn’t run for health, but runs] to stay thin and [recently] to blow off steam” (Braun) due to the stresses of everyday life, such as the stress from work and the relationship with his fiancée. While out on a run one day, Timothy had stopped at an animal shelter to grab a drink of water from the fountain to cool down. Upon entering the shelter, he had encountered a “half husky and half Australian shepherd” (Braun) who had “one blue eye and one brown eye” (Braun). Timothy had no intention of adopting a dog that day. In fact, he didn’t adopt a dog that day. Timothy “thought about how much damage [a dog] could cause [in his] life (Braun). “The dog was nice, but having a dog would be like having a child” (Braun). For one reason or another, Timothy decided to take on the responsibility of adopting and caring for Dusty. The choice to adopt Dusty shows a nurturing characteristic of Timothy. Not only did Timothy decide to put his convenience aside, he took on an obligation showing a mature and responsible