Natalie E. Valeriano
TO: Howard Cohen
FROM: Natalie Valeriano
Re: Fox Stakeholders
Stakeholders are a person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives and policies. Some of Temple Universities Fox School of Business stakeholders are as such: creditors, directors, employees, government and its agencies, shareholders, suppliers, alumni, unions, and the community from which the business attracts its assets.
Not all stakeholders are equal. A company's customers are permitted to fair trading practices but they are not permitted to the same consideration as the company's employees. A negative impact on stakeholders is when a company needs to cut costs and plans a round of layoffs. This negatively affects the community of workers in the area and therefore the local economy. Someone owning shares in a business such as Temple University is positively affected, for example, when the company releases a new project and sees their profit and therefore stock prices increase.
The stakeholders of a business must comply with the mission and vision statements of that organization. Temple’s vision: With nearly a hundred years of history behind us, our vision is to be a top public urban business school in the country, and among the leading business schools in the world. Temple University’s core values reflect excellence, creativity, entrepreneurial culture, ethical behavior, respect, and community engagement. Their mission statement is to transform lives through education. Temple is committed to provide quality, relevant research, advanced doctoral training, globalization, sustainability, ethics, innovation and technology. Temple University commits to engage their diverse stakeholders to improve the