I found that this website was overall instructive. I am convinced, after navigating through this website that it would really help anyone understand Evolution in every aspect. Subsequent to searching through the website, I learned that back in Darwin 's days, his idea of Evolution was considered unconventional because it went against science, church and the bible. When watching a video based on extinction, I was shocked to learn that 99% of species that have existed have gone extinct. These extinctions have not only occurred because of natural causes but because of
Links: on this page were current and actually very educational. For example, I clicked on a link that brought me to a page where I was able to a close-up view on the weapons used to hunt, the types of clothing they used, tools used to sew, etc The point is that the links were very effective in teaching what those tools were, what they were used for and why. Here at this website I learned a whole lot than I knew about people of the arctic region. I was taught by what I read that their traditions, beliefs, language, kinship and values were extremely important and was a big part of their distinctiveness. I also learned about the types of foods they ate. The residents of these small villages would hunt for fish, seal, sea lions, moose, bear, and would also gather fruits and other wild foods. I also read about how the villages changed over time. Their native language was no longer spoken as frequently as the English language and new industries were established, but this only made their traditions become stronger. They were very proud of who they were and would continue to be no matter what. I felt that this website educated me more about the people of Alaska and how they live. I did feel it helped me with the understanding I had of people of the Arctic. I thought they were very strange at first, but I have come to learn that they are just like us. They are in a different part of the world and have adapted to that environment and that lifestyle is what makes them happy. In summary, I thought this experience of exploring websites and learning from them was very exciting. I was able to learn a whole lot of new facts that I can put into my understanding of anthropology and the world.