English Advanced assessment task 3
“Discoveries may be challenged and questioned and their worth reassessed over time”
“He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” – Samuel Smiles
Throughout history, discoveries are constantly being challenged, questioned and their worth reassessed. As a result of texts’ questioning nature, responders gain a deeper insight into the subject matter which heightens or lessens their credibility. This is evident in Simon Nasht’s documentary Frank Hurley-The Man Who Made History (2004) and Hannah Kent’s historical fiction Burial Rites published in 2013. Via the use of literary and filmic techniques, notably narration, montage, point of view and embellished retelling, each composer provokes questioning and challenging of the historical, artistic and moral worth of their text’s subject matter, in turn producing new perspectives on and deeper insight into motives, nature and worth of the discovery.
The rediscovery of an icon allows contemporary audiences to gain new ways of seeing the significance of their role in history. Simon Nasht’s rediscovery of Frank Hurley’s story in his documentary, allows him to repeatedly question and challenge Frank Hurley’s relevance as a historical photographer and contemporary perceptions of the worth his photographic work. Through Nasht’s focus on the manipulation of war and explorer images he undermines their credibility as historical artefacts. In the World War I scene, Nasht centres against an ominous black background two single still images captured on the battlefield before overlapping them to reveal Hurley’s technique of creating composite images whereby falsifying the representation of the event. In addition to the montage, a sombre voice-over with an accusatory tone heightens the tension of the scene and delivering a condemning judgement on his work. Thus posing the question whether Hurley was “a giant of photographer or just a conjuror with a camera?”.