
Frankenstein Theme Of Death

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Frankenstein Theme Of Death
Frankenstein was just your average joe until he lost his mother then all hell broke loose inside of his head. Mary Shelley developed the theme of death through having Frankenstein's mother dying from scarlet fever, this is when Victor's urge for the knowledge about death comes through the seams. His mother was nursing his sister back to health from scarlet fever, the inevitable happened, his mother had contracted scarlet fever and that took her fate. Frankenstein couldn't get over the fact that nothing could be done to save his mother’s life. Victor's mother was nursing his sister back to health from scarlet fever, eventually she was well again, but his mother fell ill of scarlet fever and she declined quickly eventually she passed. “On her …show more content…
The creature wanted Victor to feel pain so he murdered William in cold blood. They were searching for Willam all night but just before they almost stopped they found him lying on the ground lifeless.“Even though I knew that the blood was freely flowing in my veins, I felt more dead than alive.”-Shelley. This shows how guilty Victor feels about William’s death and takes himself for blame. The creature runs away and see Justine, a family friend's daughter, sleeping on a pile of hay. He didn’t want Victor just to feel responsible for William’s death, he decides to plant Victor’s mother’s locket on justine because William had it to remember his mum. Victor believes the creature is gonna come after him because he killed all of his loved ones including, William, Elizabeth, and Henry. Victor and Elizabeth get married and he demands for her to go to bed because he doesn’t want her to see the creature kill him but that’s what he thinks. Victor hears this horrendous screech of fear coming from the bedroom and he sees her lifeless beautiful body spread out over the bed. Victor’s father was so upset with all the sad news in his family when he heard about Elizabeth he slowly faded away, his heart eventually gave

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