In Freak the Geek I don’t think that Lauren and Kayley should be friends at the end of the story or even throughout the story. In Freak the Geek lauren is annoyed of traditions which can change the emotion of Lauren throughout the story making each situation seem more and more frustrating, With this stress, it can affect the friendship of kayley and lauren breaking each other part and ending this friendship for good.This change will have a huge impact on Now i told you that lauren seems annoyed,if we add another hot head then we get and broken up friendship.having one hot head is enough having two could making things even worse.If we add kayley we add disaster through the story.Considering that both geeks are on a off
In Freak the Geek I don’t think that Lauren and Kayley should be friends at the end of the story or even throughout the story. In Freak the Geek lauren is annoyed of traditions which can change the emotion of Lauren throughout the story making each situation seem more and more frustrating, With this stress, it can affect the friendship of kayley and lauren breaking each other part and ending this friendship for good.This change will have a huge impact on Now i told you that lauren seems annoyed,if we add another hot head then we get and broken up friendship.having one hot head is enough having two could making things even worse.If we add kayley we add disaster through the story.Considering that both geeks are on a off