Free speech plays an essential role in our democracy. Where would we be without free speech? There is no point in democracy if you can’t express yourself. Our freedom depends on free speech. If we didn’t have free speech, we wouldn’t be able to freely state our opinions. Another reason why free speech is so important to our democracy is so the government can keep improving. If people wouldn’t give their opinions about the government, it would stay the same.
Klansas City Kable was justified when it came to freedom of speech. Dennis Mahon, a member of the KKK wanted to show his freedom of speech through a television show “Klansas City Kable,” dealing with racial issues and exposing the government and business system. The cable company in the neighborhood that was 95% black, and the new television show was racist against them. In 1987, the Reverend believed the KKK should not be granted the ability to exercise free speech because they were “murderers of 1000’s across country and a terrorist organization”(Reverend). The Reverends only solution was to eliminate the Public Access channel altogether. On June 16, 1988, the Kansas City Council voted, the result was 9 for, 2 against. They then had court: Missouri Knight of KKK vs. Kansas City. Pevar filed a suit in federal district court on behalf of KKK. City violated freedom of speech when cable company rights for viewers to watch uncensored programs. The city countered by saying the channel was private property and the KKK was not deprived its rights to speak. They could speak freely by rallies, phone, radio, marches,etc. On May 26, 1989, the district ruled in favor of the KKK. They could win a trail set for September, the city was close to a budget crisis, so they offered to settle but KKK rejected and opposed two