
Freedom And Social Justice Through Technology By Barbour And Dyson

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Freedom and Social Justice Through Technology
Technology is many things to many people. The invention of many wonderful and useful tools can be attributed to the lifestyles many individuals enjoy each and very day. As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for the development and implementation of many of the technologies utilized today, the lives of many, would involve more physical labor and the phrase “as days work in a days time” would have a much different meaning.
Therefore, it is the intention of this paper to provide an understanding as to what the authors Barbour and Dyson were describing when they wrote of technology providing freedom to society and how technology has become the vessel of social justice to many whom would otherwise be the
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Many jobs actually have step-by-step instructions as to how to properly reach a conclusion; however, just because there is a preferred set of steps to completing a project, does that mean it is the only way to do the job correctly? The answer is no. There is always a better, quicker, safer, more efficient, less expensive way in completing a task. This is the very nature of innovation and technology. Someone somewhere has found a better way to get the job done through a new form of technology and has implemented it for the betterment of the industry or society. Through these new technologies, people find freedom that can and does improve their work/life balance. Barbour (1993) provided a list of benefits provided by technology freeing the working individual to have a fuller life both inside and outside the workplace. Those freedoms are; higher living standards, opportunities for choice, more leisure, and improved communications. Barbour (1993) continued if it were not for advances in technology the employee of today would be very much like past employees who were constrained to working long hard hours with very little to show for …show more content…

Having the ability to access educational modules online can lift those restraints and also provide one the ability to learn at a pace that is better suited to the student. Krawcke (2016) stated the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning industry has taken a major lead in the trade industries when it comes to online learning by encouraging employees to utilize the tool as a way to not only learn the trade from industry educators, but by allowing them to take the courses online and at their own pace. This growing trend in not specific to the HVAC industry, nor is it only provided through online universities. Many suppliers are providing education modules online that will educate landscape and irrigation contractors in job specific and industry specific tasks that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This tool and its flexibility again are ways participation is enabled within the

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