Paul De Palma’s book, Technologies, Social Media, and Society, is a collection of articles covering a wide array of topics relating to technology. While advances in technology were discussed, most articles dealt with issues in ethics and legality.
The most interesting articles dealt with the censoring of the Internet. While it is not unexpected for countries such as Iran or China to censor the Internet, it came as a surprise to see how common it is across the globe. Obvious things, such as terrorist tools are commonly censored, but Argentina has censored celebrity rumors which is puzzling. Search engines, such as Yahoo! and Google must adhere to each countries standards. That goes for social media sites like Facebook as well.
The other intriguing topic was cultural issues. The articles relating to this topic discussed how technology was affecting people and the way they behaved. One article provides insight of Google giving users instant gratification and the erosion of their attention spans. People that used to be able to read novels can barely make it through multi-paragraph blog.
Meanwhile, in South Korea a relatively new problem is rearing its head. While addiction is nothing new, addiction to online video games is becoming an issue South Korea. Many adults and teenagers have become addicted to these games and it has caused some health issues to individuals. In one tragic case, parents were addicted to these games and it took precedence over the care of their newborn baby. The baby eventually died from neglect. While this is an extreme case, stories like this are becoming more common.
There are many more interesting ideas discussed within this text. One can learn at least one thing from almost each and every article included in this book. When thinking about the advances in technology, the way it affects society is often overlooked. However, reading these articles opens the reader’s eyes to this often neglected