English 1A
Freedom of choice
Llosa's opinion in “A Smoker's Right” is that to do something bad for us such as smoking is
our own choice and we should have the freedom to do those harmful or bad things if we so choose
since it it our body and our lives.
I agree with Llosa to an extent, It is not freedom if we don't have a choice. Her use of suicide
does throw my support of her opinion off a little because I do not feel as if suicide is morally okay.
I believe that yes we should be able to make our own choices but that we should also have to pay
the consequences, We should also not be able to harm others legally. To better explain my point ill
use smoking as an example. First Smoking harms your body; But you should have the choice to
choose smoke if you want because its your body. Smoking also harms other people's bodies so you
should not be able to do it in public where it may harm someone who does not wish to suffer its
side effects as is there right. My second example is a crime, be it you steal, murder or jaywalk you
are either taking, damaging or putting in danger someones life or possessions. That is why crimes
are illegal. This is where suicide muddles in the gray area. When committing suicide you are
murdering yourself so technically it is your own body thus should be your choice. You can ask does
suicide hurt or endanger anyone else, well yes most likely it will emotionally hurt family friends
and loved ones, But it does not physically hurt them. Granted it hypothetically could cause a family
member to go into depression and harm themselves, But wouldn't that be there choice. As you can
see it can be hard to draw a line especially in the case of assisted suicide. In assisted suicide one or
more people help another commit suicide. Does that count as murder or does it not count because
it is the choice of the person who wants to commit suicide to let others harm his body for him ? I
believe suicide is wrong and a person should find help and get threw there problems but I also don't
believe it is my right to tell the they cant commit suicide because they have the freedom to do so if
they want.