Freud in our Midst a)
Sigmund Freud was a theoretician that explored the unconscious AKA the mind. He identified childhood experience as the crucible of character. Freud also invented psychoanalysis which is a form of treatment that a diagnosable disease can be cured by just talking. Without the use of a prayer, sacrifice, exorcism, drugs, etc, a recollection and reflection can cure it. Cognitive behavior and psychodynamic therapy support the idea of his treatment. Most people think Freud as a literary figure instead of a scientific one, comparing him with Karl Marx and Darwin.
Freud came up with resistance, a theory that young children have a sexual fantasy life. Opposition came from women who envy a man’s penis. It is said that Freud’s ideas about women sexuality were wrong. Freud’s lowest point was when sexual abuse came across. He made it seem that he was the one who created the idea. He believed that the repressed memory of the sexual abuse was a cause of adult neurosis. Freud also believed that some of these recovered memories were just childhood fantasies. Being sent to a Freudian therapist at that time was similar to a Jew being sent to a Nazi.
It is said that Freud’s “canonical cures” were a result of wishful thinking and conscious fudging and that his theories went around in a circle.
A psychiatrist and philosopher identifies the core idea of Freud that human life is “essentially conflicted.” It is said that the conflict is hidden and it grows from wishes and instincts that are actively repressed. Working to solve the conflict with awareness and reading the symbolisms is the work of analysis.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors trained to treat mental illness; it typically uses drug therapy or work in the hospital with the ill one. Most patients respond different and as a result a combination of drugs and talk therapy seems to work the best. Freud himself went through a time which he advocated drug therapy; cocaine.