My views are split with these two, I just believe that they had shared so much of the same beliefs but eventually they had to branch of in some way because that is how they get their recognition. Two powerful men in the field of psychology had to have a different view in order to fulfill their “ego.” The theories of Freud and Jung branched off from sexual to Jung’s analytical approach in a deeper meaning. Freud believed in Self awareness and Jung was more into self realization. In which Freud was more focused on the unconscious when Jung branched off into exploring more towards the conscious mind.
Freud is known as the father of the unconscious and he developed psychotherapy along with the idea of the id, ego and superego. Jung accepted the idea of the unconscious but he elaborated it by labeling two levels: the personal and the collective unconscious. Jung also developed Analytical Psychology and the terms introvert and extrovert. Freud firmly rejected religion and Jung incorporated things like religion and art into his theory. Freud felt religion was an escape and a fallacy, which ought not to be propagated. His faith was fully in the minds ability to access its unconscious thoughts. Jung conversely believed that
References: wiseGEEK (2003-2013) Was ist "das Ich"? Susan Bridle and Amy Edelstein 1991-2010, EnlightenNext magazine