Living in Odessa was very difficult due to that fact that it was sitting on a large amount of oil, which brought in people who believed they could make a lot of money. Odessa was suffering from overcrowding, and once the boom was over, everyone left during the bust. Life was very tough for its citizens. There was lack of grazing land due to droughts and a flu epidemic that wiped out many people. Even after all the hardships that the people of Odessa went through, they didn’t leave the town because it was home to them. The only thing that kept the town from crumbling and resulting in a revolt was football. Football kept social control in Odessa during the tough economic times and kept its citizens pride in their community.
The book illustrates the structural functionalist theory of how strong political influence is in sport. For example, the people of Odessa loved George Bush because he was native to the area. Bush came to visit for a campaign stop, but no one cared about his speech. They valued that he was from Texas, and would protect their interests. Bush states that he believes he is, “on the side of the American people and the state of Texas in terms of values.” They