they are. I concluded that there had to be a significant contrast between students participating in neuroenhancing drugs and students practicing grit, but that there may also be a correlation between the loss of grit after stopping such drug use. Were students gritter before the started taking neuroenhancing drugs or after the stopped use? As a high school and college student, I am admittedly curious of the effects a commonly used drugs among students holds on an individual's grit for the years after high school and college. My intent is to answer the question: what is the impact of neuroenhancing drugs, specifically adderall, on student grit before and after dependence on such drugs?
they are. I concluded that there had to be a significant contrast between students participating in neuroenhancing drugs and students practicing grit, but that there may also be a correlation between the loss of grit after stopping such drug use. Were students gritter before the started taking neuroenhancing drugs or after the stopped use? As a high school and college student, I am admittedly curious of the effects a commonly used drugs among students holds on an individual's grit for the years after high school and college. My intent is to answer the question: what is the impact of neuroenhancing drugs, specifically adderall, on student grit before and after dependence on such drugs?