Professor Flynn
31 October 2014
Everyday students go to college for many different reasons. Most go to college to gain a successful, rewarding career. In every college course there are always those students who do well and succeed in their classes, but what is it that allows them to succeed? Some believe it is either talent, they are lucky, they have certain “genes”, or they are simply just smart, but really it’s the time and effort successful students put in their work. In order to be successful in college or in anything people want to accomplish, they need “grit”. According to Angela Duckworth, who is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania states that “grit is defined as perseverance and passion …show more content…
According to Merriam Webster “courage is having the ability to do something that typically frightens one.” Everyone is afraid to fail at anything, especially in college, but the individuals who are gritty know how to manage failure and instead turn it into an opportunity to learn and succeed from the fall. Students who are gritty persevere and overcome any obstacles required to achieve higher results. Courage doesn’t come easy for anyone; it must be trained and used every day in order for it to help a person become grittier. Once a person gains courage, grit automatically comes with it. Courage and grit are harmonious in college, they both feed off of each other and as a student I have learned to manage my fails and overcome my fears of failing and instead I use them to persevere towards my goal every day, both academically and personally. For example, when I first began attending college I was always afraid to ask for help or ask questions in front of the class because I would feel as if my question was not good enough, but then I noticed my grades were going down because clearly I did not understand the material. I realized that if I really wanted to be successful in life and in the career I am passionate about, I cannot be afraid to ask questions. Along with courage, the desire to continue to achieve goals is also a factor in grit and the success in