This article also talks about the idea that people that have built grit will be successful in whatever they chose to do. Sometimes we like to do a lot of things at the same time thinking we are achieving what we want. The truth is that we won’t know if we could give more to what we are doing because we are not focusing on finishing one thing first. An example will be that sometimes we get a lot of classes to finish fast and we don’t pay the attention that is …show more content…
I was sent to a continuation school to get my credits and be able to graduate with my classmate. I realize that I had too much grit and will use it to obtain all my goals. It was also hard because I had to do double work to get my credits so I could return to my regular high school. I started to think that grit was not enough if I didn’t focus in what really matter. This experience reminds me of the research in the article “The Significance of Grit” of taxis drivers who in “raining days everyone will one a taxi, and taxi drivers pick a lot of fares. So if you’re a taxi driver, the rational thing to do is to work more hours on a rainy day than on a sunny day because you’re always busy so you’re making more money per hour. But it turns out that on rainy days, taxis drivers work the fewest hours” (Perkins-Gough 2) I will only do so much to finish and obtain what I need it to pass my class so I could