Bailey quotes scientists from a separate article, “. . . and makes the unaccountable genetic engineer a potential bioterrorist.” While Bailey sees the scenario as an extreme, the contention remains, any scientist with access to a lab could manufacture a superhuman that could can create a hazardous situation for society. Laws could be imposed regarding the synthetization process; but a much more practical solution is to just upgrade every person who’s available. They’d be more well equipped to handle such foes, than normal humans, and there would be more of them. With the growing fields of genetics and biotechnology, the idea of a transhumanist future does not seem so
Bailey quotes scientists from a separate article, “. . . and makes the unaccountable genetic engineer a potential bioterrorist.” While Bailey sees the scenario as an extreme, the contention remains, any scientist with access to a lab could manufacture a superhuman that could can create a hazardous situation for society. Laws could be imposed regarding the synthetization process; but a much more practical solution is to just upgrade every person who’s available. They’d be more well equipped to handle such foes, than normal humans, and there would be more of them. With the growing fields of genetics and biotechnology, the idea of a transhumanist future does not seem so