A case study of Sony Ericsson
Group Members: Arslan Ahmed (1983-11-07)
Zhaohua Pang (1983-11-16)
Tutor: Leif Linnskog
Seminar Date: 28th May, 2009
Master Thesis – EFO705
Seminar Date: 28th May, 2009
Level: Master Thesis – EFO705
Authors: Arslan Ahmed (1983-11-07) & Zhaohua Pang (1983-11-16)
Title: Corporate Culture in an International Joint Venture – A Case Study of Sony Ericsson
Tutor: Leif Linnskog
Research Problem: To what extent the corporate culture of an international joint venture resembles the organizational and national culture of its parent firms?
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study and explain the organizational and national culture of the partner companies that are involved in the international joint venture and finds out the extent to which the corporate culture that is embedded in the joint venture possess a resemblance with its parent’s culture.
Method: Our research is qualitative in nature and is based upon the case study and the secondary information gathered during the research. We have also taken into account some primary information through conducting three semi-structured interviews from each of the company involved in the joint venture. All the information collected during the course of our research has been analyzed in such a manner that has eventually led us to a formidable conclusion. Conclusion: After the analysis of results, both from the interviews and the secondary information, we came to a conclusion that the corporate culture at the joint venture possess some similarities with the national and organizational cultures of its parent firms and this likeness depends upon the location of origin of the joint venture and the employees working in it. Keywords:
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