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Functional Behavioral Assessment

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Functional Behavioral Assessment
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Ryan Williamson
ECE 201 Maya Raimondi
January 7, 2013

When it comes to adolescent children they endure several risk factors within their lives. Some of these factors often produce many glitches that have teachers speculating if there are ways they can help deal with behavioral problems that children have. Risk factors may be invisible and families may not recognize them (Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2012). Within this paper, there are three risk factors that will be recognize and portray that can influence a child’s behavior, deliberate the purpose of behavior management in childhood education setting, including the important of thinking proactively, and give three strategies teachers may use to determine challenging behaviors. Thereafter, I will design a support plan for each of the challenging behaviors. Additionally, I will include possible function of the behavior, specific positive behavior supports, and replacement behaviors.
Throughout pregnancy substance abuse is a first factor for discussion that can be the root of challenging behavior in a child. Consequently, an expecting mother who uses drugs puts the child at risk for neurological problems that may affect the brain; and other body parts. However, you can put together a strategy to help deal with the difficulties that have generate these behavioral problem. A plan that can be used to help the child would be together a behavioral intervention plan (BIP) to help put together assessment to use to develop ways to address the problems (Kaiser, B& S. Rasminsky). The purpose of the BIP is to bring out the behavior the child has and help to target it; and find ways on how to change or handle the behavior problems. Nevertheless, offering a positive behavioral support team will make the plan go efficiently. In addition, the firsts strategies that a teacher can use to spot the problem and plan to help the dilemma, will be to make sure that you address each of the crises that the teacher sees, and ask for advice from other teachers whom have dealt with the same problems that you are dealing with.
The next issue being discussed that can cause challenging behavior would be when the parents are getting a divorce. The child may begin to become defiant because one of the parents is no longer in the home and begins to develop a behavior issue. Parents who divorce usually begin to experience many behavioral problems with their kids. However, they begin to see rejection from their kids hyperactive, talking, and hitting issues. In addition, when the child goes to school, the teacher may also experience the same problems. Some other issues that the teacher may have to deal with is that the child will sometimes isolate themselves away from the other students. They also tend to pick fights with their peers and become aggressive with both teacher and students.
However, the teacher will have to put together an assessment plan to help assist the problem with the child. Some of the strategies that the teacher will use is to meet with the child parents to find out what information on how the child is behaves at home and what could have trigger the behavior within the child. After she collects her information she can begin the process of changing the behavior in the child. It may take plenty of assessments to help with correcting the problem, but eventually it will work. Some of the things that will help her assessment is to make sure she list the child strength and abilities, make sure she has important information that could be of great assistance in putting the plan together, an exact statement describing the purpose of the targeted behavior ,and find ways to replace the inappropriate behavior. The third factor is learning disabilities that may happen both with generic problem and with neurobiological problems. There are many options available to care for children with learning disabilities. Consequently, these factors may cause behavioral problems. For instance, substance abuse during pregnancy may lead to hyperactive. However a neurological problem may increase behavioral problems and educators are trained to manage the behaviors because they may not be fixed. Furthermore, learning disabilities can be modified with time as the teachers facilitate alternative methods for learning. All of these risk factors can in some way can change or replace issues of behavior. In addition, teachers receive training to enhance problem solving to deal with behavioral issues. Many of the ways teachers assess reports is by direct observation in the classroom (Cavanaugh S., Huston, A., 2006). In conclusion three risk factors have been identified and described that can influence a child’s behavior. Discussing the purpose of behavior management in childhood education setting, including the important of thinking proactively, and give three strategies teachers may use to determine challenging behaviors and design a support plan for each of the challenging behaviors. In addition, I have included possible functions of the behavior, specific positive behavior supports, and replacement behaviors.

Cavanagh, S & Huston, A. (2006). Family Instability and Children’s Early Problems Behavior

Kaiser, B. & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2012). Challenging behavior in young children. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Pastor, P. N., & Reuben, C. A. (2008). Diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disability: United States, 2004–2006. National Center for Health Statistics, Vital and Health Statistics, 10(237).

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